Why am i so itchy

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why am i so itchy”,you can compare them.

Dry air can cause your skin to become dry and itchy. Continue to ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-am-i-so-itchy ]
More Answers to “Why am i so itchy
Virtually all of us experience an itch at some time. However, for some people, an intense or persistent itch can cause considerable morbidity that often affects the entire family. OBJECTIVE: This article gives an overview of the problem of …
it could be many factors playing together and soemtimes taking showers are not the only thing. It could be eczema do you have dry patches? Eczema causes constant itching without rashes. This could be a combination of weather, your cat sh…
The most common reason is the most obvious: As your baby grows, the skin on your belly stretches and tightens, making it feel dry and itchy. Pregnancy hormones contribute to the itchiness on your belly and can also make your palms and the s…

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Why am i so itchy? PLEASE HELP!!?
Q: It started about a week ago when my hands/arms/feet started to itch. I haven’t changed anything – same foods, detergents, lotions. Now it’s everywhere – my back, armpits, neck, feet, hands, legs – everywhere. It only hits one or two places at a time, but it’s almost unbearable. My feet especially. They itch so bad, it hurts. I have been putting a ton of lotion on at night and after showers, and nothing seems to be working. It’s almost as if after the lotion is on, my skin still feels itchy/unrelieved. There are no signs of any rashes, bumps, etc. – just my normal skin, only VERY itchy. I’m not sure what to do!? Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.Thanks!!
A: Hi,I am always impressed that there is oftentimes some good advice and good links from people helping others through Yahoo_Answers.Try to identify your triggers from meds foods cosmetics etc.After several months of pruritus urticaria I have identified enough of my own triggers to allow my legs to heal with only a minimal amount of coconut cream and water rubbed on my skin to help in my dry house during the winter and a minimal number of full body showers and baths. I am allergic to Vaseline ‘Petroleum’ Jelly with long term use and the petroleum is toxic to anyone with enough use. But although I have learned much about my own liver failings, please consider that it is more likely than not – that a WRONG medical diagnosis will be made by listening to the advice of novices via Yahoo_Answers.Sooo I would strongly encourage you to become a ‘good’ diagnostician for yourself, and to also seek out a ‘good’ doctor or a ‘good’ nurse and s/he will make a medical diagnosis and thoroughly explain the causes preventions and solutions much better than anyone on Yahoo_Answers could do without being able to see you personally.My best to you,A1[(-:]Source(s):My own life experiences and from ‘good’ doctors and from sites like the one at <> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formication <> Formication is a antiquated term for itching-pruritus disease that can be caused by several sources.<>IF you are interested, I feel I have become a quasi-expert on rashes and pruritus itchings after many years of off and on flare ups. So to do my part to make a difference in the world I now take a little time each week to help others understand why better nutrition is so important, and I have posted much of my own story via the link at: <> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091020155428AAsQsof <>. I hope you will have learned something today from my own mistakes and would not duplicate them. My best to you and yours. AI – nutritionIst – OJT – [(-:]
Why is my hair so itchy and I am losing more hair now?
Q: I am Chinese, 28, and I came to Canada when I was 13. For some reason, my hair is getting itchy all the time. I found myself losing quite a bit of hair, I found lots of hair on my washroom floor, towel, and comb, but my hairline hasn’t changed much. Why?
A: You might use “So So” brand shampoo and keep switching around shampoos. If the answer is “Yes”. STOP doing it.USE “REDKEN”(Extreme) shampoo. Do not use strong,alcohol-base gel. Watch your life style. Do not drag yourself into too much stress. Good luck.Do feel free to contact me for further questions.
Why do my legs get itchy if I am out in the cold for a while?
Q: I noticed that when I go for walks when it’s cold out, my legs start getting really itchy after a bit, and it’s really uncomfortable. Do you know why?
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