Why am I always cold

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why am I always cold”,you can compare them.

There may be many causes or relevant symptoms so always see your doctor. ChaCha1!!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-am-i-always-cold ]
More Answers to “Why am I always cold
You may be anemic and have low iron. Iron Deficiency Anemia is a condition where a person has inadequate amounts of iron to meet body demands. It is a decrease in the amount of red cells in the blood caused by having too little iron. Iron d…
I really think you should go see your gp. You may have anemia. They do a simple blood test and find out your iron levels. You may need iron tablets. This is very common symptom being so cold. Another thing maybe bad circulation. Either way …
I just have another quick question latley I have been cold. I’m talking like I will wear 2 pairs of pants, a t-shirt and sweater and still want blankets to keep me warm. I have lost alot of weight could it be just because of that?<BR>…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why am I always so cold and does being cold effect your energy?
Q: I am always cold during the fall and winter months and I have to have the heat way up and lots of clothes on. Also the cold weather seems to take away a lot of my energy which i have a lot during a warm day. I am a small person and very healthy also i take vitamins. Would taking fish oil pills help or does anyone know of any advice they could give me please?
A: Fish oil could help, also try drinking either hot tea or warm water. Thin women especially, tend to be “cold” and yes, it does zap your energy. Have you had a check-up lately? Your thyroid gland could be out of whack, causing both the coldness and tiredness. It would probably be a good idea to see your doctor and ask about this, it could be easily fixable.
Why am I always cold when it is hot and hot when it is cold?
Q: I am always cold during summer; summer, the hottest time of the month!I am also always hot during winter. Winter! The coldest time of the year! Even in Texas!
A: u r cold in summer because you body controls the temperature by making u sweat so this means that the particles which were heated in ur body because of sweat escape through skin etc. making the cold particles to be left behindtherefor sweat /Evaporation causes COOLINGin winter the opposite happens the particles remain in ur body producing a weird sensation of heatim not sure about the second onehope this helps
why am i always cold and colder than others are?
Q: it seems like someone is always warmer than i am and im cold to death and when its chilly im freezing my ass off. is it possible im cold blooded? and i always seem so pale i think it could be possible that its because im kind of skinny but people skinnier than me are warmer than me also so anyone else have this problem?
A: It could be a sign of a slow thyroid, though that isn’t likely because you say you’re thin. Your thyroid controls your metabolism, which is the sum total of all chemical processes in your body. If you have a fast metabolism, you’re likely to be hotter than most and usually thin as well. If it’s very fast, you’re one of those people that can eat anything all the time and never get fat DX. A slow metabolism means you gain weight much more quickly than others do, and that you are usually colder since the processes aren’t moving around as quickly. Like I said, it’s probably not that, because you say you’re thin, but it does explain why those who are thinner than you would be warmer; their bodies are just going more quickly than yours is. It probably is just because you don’t have enough body fat to keep you properly warm. Keep a hoodie with you :P, and go see a doctor if it really bothers you.
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