Who named farts

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Fart comes from the Old English word feortan, the word was chosen to sound like the object named. Chacha for now [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-named-farts ]
More Answers to “Who named farts
What is the scientific name for farts?
I just answered this but again, Flatulence, is the medical term. Methane is the scientific term and Plain ole farts is the common household name.
Do you have any funny names for farting?
Poot! That’s a very small, perhaps even girlish, fart. Sometimes I’ll turn to my boyfriend and say, “I pooted!” Or my brother will threaten to poot on me. (Not to be confused with “poop” of course!) I sometimes have thes…
Is it weird to name your farts as they float away?
You will be single for a long time. Get help.

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Who would you rather vote for? a guy named “Pablo Diablo”, a guy named “Downtown President Brown”, or a guy ?
Q: named “Kioung Fart Pow”?
A: a name shouldnt matter in elections
I want to call my baby ”Farts” but my boyfriend seems to think its ridiculous?
Q: I seem to really love the name farts, i dont know why but i think its adorable for a boy, but my boyfriends says its disrespectful & stupid & immature.. why is he being like this? we are having a massive disagreement over this, what do we do? he wants to call it Matthew, but i want farts, please help me
A: Farts is a lovely name and I cannot see why your boyfriend would object. Matthew is very over-used but Farts is original and puts me in a mind of a strong individual who will grow up to be independent, polular and successful.Alternative spellings would be Farrts, Fartts, Faarts or if you want to be REALLy original got for the Welsh spelling of Ffarts.A good middle name to go with your lovely idea could be ‘Belch’ so your beautiful baby boy would be Ffarts Belch (surname).
i have a coworker (lets call him “BILL [not his real name]) who farts all day.?
Q: We think it may be a medical condition, but it still disrupts everyone. Myself and a coworker have purchased air freshener sprays to try to “curb” him, but he just keeps doing it. “Bill” has also started to bring stinky food to eat at his cubicle. “Bill” is asian. We thought maybe his nasty habits were a cultural thing, but I can’t seem to fine anything that supports it. The supervisors know, but are dumbfounded as to how to handle this situation. Anyone have any ideas?
A: it’s something you should report to HR or the supervisors…. it’s their job to address staff issues and workplace conductif someone is couteous and brave, they can try to address it directly with them, but it may come off as sour since they don’t have control over him
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