Who has broken the most bones

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Celebrities .We found some answers as below for this question “Who has broken the most bones”,you can compare them.

While Evel Knievel never actually broke “every bone in his body” he holds the Gunniess World Record for the most broken bones: 35! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-has-broken-the-most-bones ]
More Answers to “Who has broken the most bones
How do broken bones heal?
If you experience engine trouble, you take your car to a mechanic. If your pipes leak, you call a plumber. And if you fracture a leg, the usual course of action is to visit a doctor. But unlike other things that may break in life, bones beg…
What Happens When You Break a Bone?
It hurts to break a bone! It’s different for everyone, but the pain is often like the deep ache you get from a super bad stomachache or headache. Some people may experience sharper pain — especially with an open fracture. And if the fractur…
How long does it take for a broken bone to heal?
A broken bone takes anywhere from 6 weeks to several months. Depending on the severity of the break and where the break has occurred on your body. Some bones require more healing time and aids to heal and mend correctly. For instance a brok…

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Has anyone had a child or know anyone who’s gotten broken arm from their baby crib?
Q: My niece’s 14 month old baby’s arm was broken in their crib. She is now facing criminal charges. If there is anyone that knows anyone who has had broken bones from their cribs, please answer.
A: Well my cousin was 8 months old when he fell out of his crib and broke his collar bone, that was bad, Good luck
i want to become a doctor who fixes broken bones, btu not have to do surgery, is there a special doctor?
Q: is there a speical doctor who specializes in broken bones, like casting them, butnot have to do surgery on them?
A: orthopedist
For anyone who has ever had a broken bone?
Q: Two years ago I shattered both my tibula and my fibula (both bones in lower leg) so bad I had to have surgery to insert a metal rod from my ankle to my knee. Most painful experience of my life.Will labor be more painful, less painful or about the same as a broken bone? Just curious 🙂
A: Childbirth is by far the most painful experience I’ve ever had. That said, it is a totally different kind of pain than when you break a bone. (Just like dental pain is different than breaking a bone.) The pain of childbirth stops immediately, though, once the baby has cleared the birth canal. Surgical repair of a shattered tib/fib and the recovery process take time, so the pain is ongoing…It’s really six of one and a half dozen of the other.. they are both painful, but in very different ways. The upside of childbirth is that you get a beautiful baby.. When you break a bone, all you get is a cast…
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