Who came up with Yellow Fever

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Yellow fever is a viral disease that has caused large epidemics the Americas. There is evidence that is dates back 400 years. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-came-up-with-yellow-fever ]
More Answers to “Who came up with Yellow Fever
Where did yellow fever come from?
Yellow fever virus (YFV) has probably existed for thousands of years. It evolved in Africa from other, closely related viruses.
Where does yellow fever come from?
yellow fever originates from Africa in monkeys. the virus is transmitted to people when a monkey carrying the virus is bitten by a mosquito and that mosquito bites a person, transferring the virus over. the virus can then be spread from per…
Where did the infected yellow fever mosquitoes come from??
Panama Canal originally africa. monkeys there were carrying the disease. mosquito bit the monkey and thus a carrier. mosquitos traveled on boats to the americas. mosquito bit a person and thus introduced into the population. the panama cana…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there such thing as 24 hr. yellow fever?
Q: I had a friend who called off work yesterday saying he had the yellow fever. But came into work the next day.
A: yes
hi, im 13, my dog finnigan has been barfing up yellow bile evermorning. he just came from the vet whats wrong?
Q: HE JUST CAME FROM THE VET and she sayed is could be a ball swalowed, pancreas problem. But his personalitey is totaly normal he had a little fever, she said. It would be great if a real vet could anwser this Q. hes only 2 i dont wont to see him gone. could somewone help me out?
A: Well, i wish i can help you but i cant help you much. You might wanna work on your spelling and grammar. I have a little hard time reading it. Well, if it swallowed a ball then it might get a little digested and it will do its thing. If its pancreas then i cant help you. Its up to the doctor if its that. I would say wait and see the uhmmm.. poop.. and see if you can find any ball bits. i know you wouldnt want to do that. You can ask a parent or guardian for help. I know you dont wanna do that but its better then your dog going away. I dont think it will. What kind of breed is the dog? If its a small dog then dont worry. Its going to be okay. If its a big dog then the chances of digestion is better but the chances of pancreas may be higher. I Wish You Good Luck. I know i didnt help you much but, feel better. Its going to be okay. Make sure you give him less food then usual but feed him amore frequently. Best of Luck,~Victoria~
thtrowing up yellow bile and dry heaving-help please?
Q: hi am a 17 yr old f, so monday night i was out on meds for strep, so i woke up tuesday dry heaving and it killed my stomach and than i threw up a little yellow bile, all i was able to eat was a piece of toast and i had a low fever and slept most of the day but was fine by the night, but than i woke up again with my stomach hurting and dry heaving a ton and than a lot a lot bright yellow green bile came out and i feel really weak. Is this normal?
A: Yeah, unfortunately. Both the strep and the antibiotics can make you sick to your stomach. If you like tea, try some mint herbal tea…add some chamomile to help you get some rest and further calm your stomch. Gingerale might help a little too. Feel better soon. If nothing else, drink some water so that you have something to throw up.
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