Which bird carries bird flu

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Which bird carries bird flu”,you can compare them.

Migratory Birds are being blamed for the spread of the bird flu in China.The list is endless of suspected carriers. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-bird-carries-bird-flu ]
More Answers to “Which bird carries bird flu
What kinds of wild birds primarily carry avian influenza??
・ Most avian influenza viruses have been isolated from wild waterfowl (ducks, geese, and swans) and shorebirds … ・ With rare exceptions, the thousands of flu isolates found in wild birds have been low pathogenic avian … ・ The occurrence…
What bird doesn’t carry the bird flu?
I think they all do it is in there poop.
Do wild birds carry bird flu?
Scientists aren’t certain what role migratory birds play in the spread of avian influenza. Waterfowl naturally carry such viruses, often with no ill effects to themselves. However, wild birds can introduce flu viruses into domestic bird pop…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What bird doesn’t carry the bird flu?
Q: What types of birds don’t carry the bird fanciers lung disease. Or do all birds carry this disease. My friends husband is sick with the bird flu and they can’t have birds. She wanted me to ask this question. Thanks and be honest.
A: I think they all do it is in there poop.
what if this bird flu carry on speading.will you be having turkey for christmas or chicken, let me know?
Q: or will you have something else
A: turkey
another question about bird flu?
Q: What is it??? I am so confused. Is the bird flu (avian influenza) the virus that some birds carry, that has affected humans, or is it just a particularly contagious strain OF the avian influenza commonly carried by wild birds? I’m doing a research paper, and I need to get all my facts straight. So I’m not sure to say if ‘Bird Flu’ (the one affecting many people in asia, africa, and europe) is the virus that birds carry, or if its just a more deadly strain of the virus that they carry. I hope I’m making some sense. I feel frenzied. =(
A: its a pneumonia type disease ****
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