Where do tomato worms come from

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They are the larvae either of the Five-Spotted Hawk Moth (Tomato Hornworm) or the Sphinx Moth (Tobacco Hornworm). ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-do-tomato-worms-come-from ]
More Answers to “Where do tomato worms come from
Where do tomato worms come from
yes and no. They have 2 seperate bundles of nerve cells one at each end that function as crude brains. This is why some species of worms can be cut in half and both halfs survive. I raise worms as a hobby.
Where do horned tomato worms come from?
They are the larvae of the “Tobacco Sphinx Moth” a very large night flying insect. Their wingspan can be up to 5″ from wing tip to wing tip. The reason you haven’t seen it up until now, is that it was very small after hatchin…
Where did the tomato worms come from?
They’re probably hiding in the soil during the day, and come out at night to feed. Pluck them off by hand! Look for them every night, and you will get them all eventually, they’re not unlimited in number.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

where do horned tomato worms come from?
Q: a week ago these worm came out of no where and destroyed my tomato plants.where do they come from?
A: They are the larvae of the “Tobacco Sphinx Moth” a very large night flying insect. Their wingspan can be up to 5″ from wing tip to wing tip. The reason you haven’t seen it up until now, is that it was very small after hatching from eggs laid on the leaf by the adult moth. As it eats and gorges itself on your tomato plant, it begins to grow very fast. After a couple of weeks, that little larvae that was unnoticeable on the plant, is now a big, fat, green caterpillar devouring every bit of green matter it can get its mandibles on. Hope this answers your question. http://home.att.net/~larvalbugbio/sphinxmoths.html**Billy Ray**
Can someone tell me where tomato worms come from?
A: Hope this will helpTomato Hornworms are the larva of a huge moth called five-spotted hawkmoth. Approximate size of the moth is around the size of a hummingbird so you can’t miss them. The hawkmoth is gray-brown with yellow spots on the sides of their bodyThe hornworm caterpillars are pretty small at first and hard to see because of their pale green color, but they become huge – 3 1/2 to 4 inches (7-10cm) in 3-4 weeks. You can’t miss them then! They are green-brown colour with v-shaped markings on the body and unmistakable ‘horns’. Hornworm eggs are green and are laid on the underside of leaves.Hornworm LifecycleThe five-spotted hawkmoths lay their eggs as soon as they mate after hatching. They appear in late June to August. Full grown larva (3-4 weeks feeding) wander around the garden digging themselves in where they form a pupa (brown and about 3cm long) that overwinters and hatches in the spring
Where do Tomato Worms come from? Are they produced by the plant itself?
A: It is the larval form of the Hawk Moth. Animals cannot be produced by plants.
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