Where can staph infection occur

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Areas of skin that have been injured – such as cuts, scrapes, and rashes are fair game for staph infections! Go ChaCha go! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-can-staph-infection-occur ]
More Answers to “Where can staph infection occur
Why do Staph infections occur?
Many factors contribute to an infection. If a person has poor hygiene, poor nutrition, chronic disease, such as diabetes, or is obese, they will have a much higher risk of getting an infection. Your ability to fight off infection is closely…
Should the school be closed to be cleaned or disinfected when a S…?
Covering infections will greatly reduce the risks of surfaces becoming contaminated with STAPH (MRSA). In general it is not necessary to close schools to “disinfect” them when MRSA infections occur. MRSA skin infections are transm…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Eh…got a painful boil on my face…staph infection?
Q: Well, it came up this morning and it hurts when i touch it -,- It’s right on my chin…My question is, how do i tell if it’s a staph infection? If i have a boil on my face does it necessarily mean i have a staph infection? Is it possible for a staph infection to occur on closed skin or does the skin have to be broken?
A: An infection due to a bacteria can occur through invisible pores in the skin.One cannot definitely say by looking at it , that it is a staphylococcal infection. But they are usually staphylococci or streptococci that cause such infections.Try to apply cold and an antibiotic cream , and if it fails an antibiotic has to be taken orally.I am a medical doctor.
Gay men and staph infection? does my theory make sense?
Q: Recently , in castro (san francisco, california), a new form of staph infection has arose that is resistant to six types of antibotics. The reporter of the article mentioned (im not sure where the article is) that it has been predominantly found in gay men. Not that i have anything against gay men, but i think that the reason for this might be that since men (When they have sex together) do not think to use contraceptives because pregnancy cannot occur. Thus (since staph infection is passed on my contact ) it spreads quickly among gay men. Does this sound like a reasonable argument to u?
A: In your area it is in the gay population. Your area may have a higher than average clustering of homosexuals. That may be why they are seeing it in that population. If we are discussing immune compromised individuals that is another whole ball of wax. I disagree with your assertion that homosexual’s are any less concerned about DISEASE, if not pregnancy, than any other group. In my area a bunch of zoo keepers came down with it. We have a higher cluster rate for zoo keepers I guess.
Shingles?? Staph Infection?? Does anyone know what this is?
Q: When I seem to be under a lot of stress/depressed I get this red rash with clear watery blisters on the left side of my chin. Everytime this happens it’s always in the same spot. It feels like the most itchiest thing I’ve ever experienced and makes the opposite side of my neck sore because I think there is a gland there. I went to the doctors once a few years ago and he referred me to the hospital. They said it was shingles and put me on Valtrex and some other medication that I can’t remember. Then again one time in college It broke out again so I went to the doctor there that was at the college and she said it was a staph infection and gave me bacitracin zinc ointment to put on it. Both times I went to the doctors and used the medicine the infection seemed to go away quicker than when I haven’t taken anything. I think it’s shingles since it always occurs in the same spot and the gland is sore but the thing is it doesn’t have the serious soreness associated with shingles.Just so everybody knows, I know shingles is a form of herpes virus but it’s not the same kind. You don’t get it from sex lol. It’s like chicken pox when you’re a kid except that the chicken pox never clearly goes out of your system and can settle in a nerve and break out whenever you get stressed. I don’t know but it does seem like it’s shingles to me. It hurts but it’s not the extreme pain that most people say they have whenever they get shingles.
A: First of all, to all of those out there that are saying it could be “herpes”….HERPES IS SHINGLES…To me, from what you’ve described…it sounds like shingles…If you know that those medicines work for you…then by all means…go to the doctor and get him or her to order them for you.The other option you have is to go to an infectious disease doctor…they will run some tests and find out for sure what it is.It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to use both the Valtrex and the bacitracin on this rash. It will keep it from spreading, and it will keep it from becoming infected.Good luck.
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