When you lose your voice, how long does it take to come back

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Laryngitis can be short-term or long-lasting (chronic). Most of the time, it comes on quickly and lasts no more than 2 weeks. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-lose-your-voice%2C-how-long-does-it-take-to-come-back ]
More Answers to “When you lose your voice, how long does it take to come back
When losing your voice from a cold, how long does it usually take…?
I think it just depeds really because one time I lost my voice from a cold and it came back when the cold was going away. Another time it took a MONTH it was miserable I couldn’t stand it!

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when losing your voice from a cold, how long does it usually take to come back?
Q: Its been gone for 3-4 days now, how much longer would you assume it will be gone for? i feel as if my cold is starting to go away…
A: I think it just depeds really because one time I lost my voice from a cold and it came back when the cold was going away. Another time it took a MONTH it was miserable I couldn’t stand it!
How long does it take for a singer’s voice to come back?
Q: I’m a singer, and i recently lost my voice due to vocal strain, and then right after lost my voice completelly due to a cold. its been about a week and a half since i lost my voice completely and i can sing but only the lower notes. i’ve lost most of my range and i’m wondering if its maybe because i’ve damaged my vocal chords or it just takes a certain amount of them. and if its time, how long?
A: With the double whammy of vocal strain and the cold, it’s going to prolong the recovery. There is no set time frame.I spend my weekends singing at outdoor festivals. I sing in dry, dusty conditions, and then sometimes I sing in cold, wet, rainy ones. I also spend a lot of time hanging out around the campfire. We do 4-5 shows a day in these conditions, with no amplification.By Monday morning, I’m a bass (or at least a really low alto [I’m normally a soprano]). Sometimes it only takes me a day to recover. Sometimes it takes most of the week. It’s fairly random.I would give this at least two to three weeks before I get really concerned. If you still haven’t gotten any of your upper register back after three weeks, make an appointment and see a doctor.In the meantime, you can try a mixture of warm water, honey, and lemon juice (mixed to taste). You take it in tablespoons full. It helps coat and soothe the vocal cords. If you’re over 21, you can add a bit of whiskey to that mixture, for antiseptic purposes (it’s called a hot toddy).Good luck!
lost my voice, how long will it take to come back?
Q: i had really bad flu and asthma causing me PAINFUL coughing fits and now i have recovered but my voice has gone. 2 days now and its starting to irratate me, but its not painful
A: I would give it about a week. If you rest your voice completely though it might take less. Drink lots of hot herbal tea with honey in it. Gargle with salt water too. Good luck and God bless!
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