When is your period

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “When is your period”,you can compare them.

Women usually go through their period once a month, dates vary depending on the person’s menstrual cycle. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-is-your-period ]
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A: Usually the next day or the same day. I hope it doesnt come for you though! God bless sweetie!
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A: Having or not having a yeast infection AND being or not being on your period are two completely separate events. One has nothing to do with the other.Yes, you can have your period, or you can start your period while you also have a yeast infection.Sorry to rain on your husband’s parade. Good luck on both issues. John Jones, M.D.
If you are pregnant, will you have period cramps when your first missed period is supposed to start?
Q: I usually have period cramps when I have my period. We are trying to get pregnant I am 3 days late. I feel like maybe I could be pregnant but I woke up today with cramps. There is no sign of a period besides the cramps. Can you have cramps or other symptoms of pms during your first missed period?
A: I am 7 months pregnant now and that is exactly what happened to me. I thought I was going to start because I had cramps. It was like this for about a week, and still nothing-So I took a test and it was postitive- I didn’t believe it at first so I took another one, and got postive again..Congrats if yes, and good luck if no.
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