What would happen if you did not fart

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What would happen if you did not fart”,you can compare them.

If you hold in farts, the worst thing that can happen is that you may get a stomach ache from the gas pressure or hemorrhoids. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-happen-if-you-did-not-fart ]
More Answers to “What would happen if you did not fart
What does farty mean?
When someone or something refuses to cooperate, or be a smart, decent human being without an attitude. Farty is pretty much indescribable, you just know when someones being farty, its like a 6th sense.
Is it possible not to fart?
Unfortunately no. Farting is your body’s way of getting rid of gas that passes through your digestive tract. Gas is produced by the bacteria lining your intestines (good bacteria, you couldn’t live without them) – though some kinds of medic…
Is Evolution Responsible for Girls not farting?
I wouldn’t fart in front of my boyfriend for like the first 3months. It’s just inappropriate and unlady like. It’s not a big deal though when someone does. Finally he was like “Why do you not fart in front of me?” I told him my …

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A: hahah… nice thought..Firstly after farting you will feel sooooooooo gooooood.. lolsecond the bag will say ” Jesus i wish i were a sword “.. now about fart ..he will say ” Finally i got my freedom’Now you after having the bag on ya hear ….. Hmm probably you should call an ambulane before doing that…. lolBest wishes friend. try it and let us know
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