What would cause redness at the corners of my mouth

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What would cause redness at the corners of my mouth”,you can compare them.

Inflammation at the corners of the mouth can be caused by drooling, toothpaste, yeast. Try using lip balm to prevent irritation. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-cause-redness-at-the-corners-of-my-mouth ]
More Answers to “What would cause redness at the corners of my mouth
What causes a s mall red rash at corners of mouth??
It might be a yeast infection called angular stomatitis

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

redness in corner of mouth?
Q: i think ive already asked this before,but every so often i keep getting redness in both corners of my mouthand i dont know what is causing it. it’s my prom tomorrow and i knew it would happen for then,anything that will get rid of it overnight?ive got vaseline and sudocremehelp pleased 🙁 its making me really upseti cant go buy any creams because it is like 10 over in england lol i only have what ive got in the housei have used a new toothpaste,it could be an allergybut i sometimes get it when weather turns harshshould i just go to the doctors?
A: This may be a B-vitamin deficiency. Cracked, red, sore mouth corners, especially in harsh weather, can be a sign of this. It can also happen when you’re especially stressed.Although it won’t “cure” your symptoms in time for your prom, please consider buying a Vitamin B complex like this one http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51V3ZT72W8L._SL160_.jpg. I’m in the United States, so I’m not sure what brands you have available in England.I get symptoms similar to yours, and 2-3 days of B complex vitamins, 1 tablet a day, stops these symptoms.Both my boss (a nurse) and my physician told me about this, and I was skeptical because I’m not a fan of taking vitamins, but B vitamins are water-soluble, which means they don’t “build up” in your system. However, it worked and now I keep these vitamins on hand at all times.
What could be causing this – sore mouth?
Q: For a few months now I’ve had soreness and redness in the corners of my mouth. Sometimes the skin is really dry and chapped too. It’s uncomfortable and unattractive and it actually feels like burning when its really bad. I’ve tried everything, blistex, lip balms, aloe vera, cymex but nothing seems to help. In fact it can irritate it more. I don’t really want to bother the doctor about something so minor but pharmacies just recommend another cream and send me on my way! Just wondered whether anyone else had experience anything similar or if you have any ideas what it is or what is causing it?
A: Get a vitamin/mineral called acidophillous from walgreens; walmart or a natural foods store and take it morning and night. This will clear up within 2 days. Make sure you get the kind that needs to be refrigerated. If you have been taking a lot of medication or if you had the stomach flu this will happen and sometimes people are just sensitive to other factors.
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