What will Gonorrhea do if left untreated

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Gonorrhea can be very dangerous if it is left untreated, even in someone who has mild or no symptoms. In girls, the infection (M) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-will-gonorrhea-do-if-left-untreated ]
More Answers to “What will Gonorrhea do if left untreated
What happens if Gonorrhea is left untreated?
Untreated gonorrhea can cause serious and permanent health problems in both women and men. Gonorrhea is a serious disease. If you don’t get treated, it can spread in your body. It may cause severe damage to reproductive organs, infertility …
How long can gonorrhea be left untreated?
how long can gonorrhea be left untreated, how long will it last
Can someone still have gonorrhea if they got it 3-4 years ago &…?
Yes. If left un treated gonorrhoea may go dormant leading to various rather serious systemic complications, in addition to infecting others through sexual contact.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What can happen if you have gonorrhea and it is left untreated for a period of time; say 1-2 years?
Q: My brother just found out his girlfriend of 5 months has just recently found out she has gonorrhea, but she was tested 6 months ago and she was not positve back than so they think she received the disease from my brother because he has been the only sexually partner she has had within the last 6 months. She caught the disease early and they gave her the injection to kill the bacteria so she is fine now but my brother has not been sexually active since his last girlfriend which ended November of 2005. He is going to get tested today or tommorrow and i really want to know what serious complications can be happening to my brother if he tests positive since he has gone untreated for the past 1-2 years? Is this life threatening, is there something that will happen to him, will they be able to treat him if he does come back positive if he had this disease for over a year? I am worried that he will not be able to get treated because the disease has been inisde of him for a long period of time
A: Infections in men are alot of time asymptomatic but sometimes they may encounter some type of discharge. If left untreated, most cases of gonorrhea in men resolve spontaneously, but in less than 10% of cases, ascending infection can result in gonococcal epidymitis, prostatitis, periurethral abscess and urethral stricture. However, complications such as these are rarely seen in the U.S. However, the girlfriend (or ex now), will encounter way more problems!!!!! Good Luck to ya!
Can someone still have gonorrhea if they got it 3-4 years ago & left it untreated?
A: Yes. If left un treated gonorrhoea may go dormant leading to various rather serious systemic complications, in addition to infecting others through sexual contact.
can gonorrhea be spread through ways other than sexual contact?
Q: Can permanent sterility occur if gonorrhea is left untreated for a long period of time
A: Gonorrhoea is only really spread by sexual contact or direct inoculation via shared needles or a contaminated transfusion. About 50% of all women who contract gonorrhoea also have chlamydia as well. Untreated it does result in infertility.
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