What What was the beat generation

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The Beat Generation were an influential group of writers and poets that emerged in the US in the 1950s. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-what-was-the-beat-generation ]
More Answers to “What What was the beat generation
What Was the Beat Generation?
1 I like how you relate the beats to today. It gave me some inspiration for my paper that I’m writing about the beat generation. Bravo. – anon125
What’s the beat generation?
“It has been said it took 3 weeks….” The reality is it took almost 10 years. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=14112461 The term ’beat generation’ was introduced by Jack Kerouac sometime around 1948 to des…
Are you a Member of the Beat Generation?
If you can remember when this material was new, hip, and cutting-edge, well…. you are getting old, man- real old. The pieces in this collection are from the 1956 and 1957. This is back before the “usual gang of idiots” was known…

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Can the beat generation be reborn again into todays civilization?
Q: In times like these can a new type of beat generation a new type of beat writing be born into life.If so, how?If not, why not?
A: Probably not. The Beats worked because American society at the time was uptight, very much into conforming, intolerant of and completely failing to understand those who deliberately chose to be different.Now things are much more free-wheeling in the US, with tolerance and diversity taught in the schools and the workplace.Japan’s ripe for a Beat Generation, though…
What historical or political figures relate to the Beat Generation?
Q: I need to know what they have to do with the Beat Generation.
A: Hello there!The beat generation was one of the largest cultural movements of the twentieth century and was really a response to the Second World War that had just ended.Therefore, the historical or political figures that relate to the Beat Generation would be the presidents and prominent figures of the countries involved in the Second World War.Regards~ Josh Tamhttp://joshtam.net/world
what are your favorite works of the beat generation?
Q: i am a huge Kerouac fan and completely idolize him and Neal Cassady. I have read On the Road and the Dharma Bums, and Old Angel Midnight. Tomorrow I am getting Visions of Cody. However, except for Diane di Primas ‘Memoir of a Beatnik’, I haven’t expanded my literature of the Beat Generation outside of Kerouac. Could anyone recommend their favorite works, or the ones they feel are valuable to contributing to that amazing generation? Thanks!
A: Sorry about the disappointment, you’ll soon feel about Visions of Cody. It has to be one of his more uneven works. The “sketch” parts have some great prose, but the novelty of listening to stoners fades fast.Skip John Clellon Holmes’ novel Go, except as a curiosity or to get another view of all the same people. It’s a mediocre book which can make even marijuana orgies seem boring.
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