What type of cigarettes does obama smoke

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It is reported that Obama smokes Marlboro Reds. It is also reported that he is trying to quit smoking. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-type-of-cigarettes-does-obama-smoke ]
More Answers to “What type of cigarettes does obama smoke
What type of cigarettes does Obama smoke?
Marlboro reds, but at this point in his, “struggle,” he’ll probably take at hit off of anything.
What type of cigarettes does President Obama smoke?
Reagan smoked 3 packs of Chesterfields a day. And then washed them down with Jellie Bellies. I think Obama is a Marlborro Man. Who cares?
Does Obama smoke cigarettes?
Hi Jane, Last week I answered a question for you about whether Barack Obama smokes. My response was that he had been a smoker, but that he quit, and there have been no reports that he has resumed smoking. BUT, yesterday Obama released his m…

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What type of cigarettes does Obama smoke?
Q: Kool, Marlboro, Virginia Slims?
A: Marlboro reds, but at this point in his, “struggle,” he’ll probably take at hit off of anything.
What type of cigarettes does Barack Obama smoke?
Q: How many does he smoke a day? Do you care?
A: I heard a pack-a-day of Marlboros.I actually gained some more respect for him when I found out he smoked. It’s nice to know a candidates flaws, so they don’t surprise the voter later on.Like “Monkey Business”, for example.
What type of cigarettes does President Obama smoke?
Q: Could it really be Newports?It actually makes me like him more that he smokes. Only Answer this question if you are pro-smoking
A: Reagan smoked 3 packs of Chesterfields a day. And then washed them down with Jellie Bellies. I think Obama is a Marlborro Man.Who cares?
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