What type of cancer is caused from sun damage

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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the number one cause of skin cancer. Keep on ChaChaing! Any other questions? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-type-of-cancer-is-caused-from-sun-damage ]
More Answers to “What type of cancer is caused from sun damage
Which types of sun damage lead to skin cancer??
Severe sunburns, the early visible type of damage, may be related to the development many years later of the most dangerous kind of skin cancer called melanoma, which is potentially fatal. Melanomas can develop in all age groups, including …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much exposure to the sun causes skin cancer?
Q: I want to know anything about the amount of sun/damage one should be concerned about on their skin.I know it only takes a few “good burns” to develop certain types of skin cancer but does it classify as a “good burn” if you dont peel and the redness fades after NO more than 2-3 days? I’m fair complected and often get red even after using sunblock and it had me wondering.
A: Skin cancer can be caused by one exposure to the sun, although it may take decades to surface. In general, we acquire about 85% of our sun damage that will result in the lovely signs of old age on our skin, including skin cancer, before we turn 30. After that, protection is important for preventing existing damage, ie. cancer, from growing more quickly. Different types of cancer come from different exposures. Squamous cell carcinomas may be linked to burns while basal cell carcinomas often result from long term cumulative exposure – daily activity.As for a “good burn” – if you don’t peel, then it is a mild burn. Dermatologists look for blistering burns as more problematic, although any significant exposure risks damage.
Cancer/DNA damage/cell division Question?
Q: – Scientists believe that some cancers are hereditary. One form of cancer is caused by ultraviolet radiation such as the type produced by the sun. It causes damage to the DNA that controls cell division. Disabling the control mechanisms for mitosis can result in various forms of skin cancer. Could this type of cancer be passed on to one’s offspring? Explain with specific reference to mitosis and meiosis.thanks
A: NoThe DNA that is being mutated is in a body cell. The DNA that you pass on to your offspring is in your sex cells, which are produced by meiosis. So the damaged DNA is only passed onto other body cells that result from mitosis.
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