What to do about phlegm

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What to do about phlegm”,you can compare them.

Gravity & inversion of the body helps release phlegm naturally. Lay down for 15 minutes with your feet up several times a day. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-to-do-about-phlegm ]
More Answers to “What to do about phlegm
How do you get rid of phlegm?
Hack it up and cough it out!
What Is Phlegm?
Phlegm (pronounced flem ; from Greek phlegma = inflammation) is an informal name for mucus coughed up from the throat. In this article, a term phlegm will be used only for mucus produced in the inner (mucous) layer of bronchi and windpipe (…
Where does phlegm come from?
There’s a flap of skin at the base of your tongue, the epiglottis, that flexes and keeps food from going into your esophagus and air from going into your stomach. When you have congestion, the mixture of gravity and negative pressure in you…

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Is coughing up thick green phlegm anything to worry about or does it just go away after a few days?
Q: Whenever i have a cough i have loads of green phlegm. Its gross, i have one now.
A: since when is green phlegm nothing to worry about????NO, it’s NOT normal………and could be a sign of bronchitis among other things or serious chest infection. I don’t know about anyone else……..but breathing problems are always fairly serious to ME!
What can I do about lots of phlegm in my throat?
Q: hi!!!I don’t know what to do about this. It is really affecting my job performance and my confidence.I work a lot around people and talking, and having to clear out my throat constantly just makes me look as nervous and inconfident… and I do become more nervous from this.What can I do to solve this problem?Is there anything else other than allergy medicine? and is it an allergy?I’ve been having this like forever!thanks!
A: drink hot tea or coffee it should open you up, couild be allergies they are really bad this fall
What do we do about a coworker with a nasty phlegm filled cough?
Q: Are me and my co-workers being unreasonable requesting her seat be changed? We have had to put up with the cough, as well as “other bodily functions” going off on a daily basis – and we are tired of it all.
A: Ewww— consult HR. Then buy her some Mucinex and tell her you are concerned for her. Purposely wipe down everything with disinfectant wipes in front of her too- hopefully she’ll get the hint.
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