What time of month are girls most fertile

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What time of month are girls most fertile”,you can compare them.

Women are most fertile during their ovulation period. That is anywhere from 2-3 weeks after their last period. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-time-of-month-are-girls-most-fertile ]
More Answers to “What time of month are girls most fertile
When is the least fertile time for a girl?
There are several approaches for this answer. Firstly what is your definition of ‘girl’? Is it a female human being of any age ? Or is it something else? i.e. Girl is often referred to a particularly a young female of a reasonable age a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What time of the month is a girl most and least fertile?
Q: No, I’m not looking to use this as birth control or anything. I just wanna know when a girl is most fertile and least fertile. My periods don’t occur on the regular 4-week cycle, but they always occur on a 3-week cycle. (in other words they always come every 3 weeks). So can anyone say when I’d be most and least fertile? Once again, this isn’t my method of birth control, this is out of curiousity!!
A: go to babycenter.com and check the ovualtion calander. enter you info and it will tell you thew day you ovualte. but sprem can live up to 3-5 days in you body,
when is the girls least fertile time of the month? Is it right after your period, right before, or what?
A: The *most* fertile time of the month is around ovulation, and the least fertile time is on cycle day 1 (the first day of menstruation). See link.Keep in mind that, unless you are VERY aware of your ovulation (meaning you take daily basal temperatures, you monitor your cervical mucus, and you use ovulation predictor kits), that avoiding pregnancy by timing intercourse is a really sketchy contraceptive.
At what time during the month does a girl start ovulating/ovulation?
Q: When does a girl start ovulation? When is a girl most fertile and not most fertile? Help Please. =D
A: If you have a ‘normal’ 28 day cycle, then you would start ovulating on or about day 14. Your cycle starts on the first day of your period. You are the most fertile the day before ovulation. But you are fertile anywhere from 4-5 days before ovulation up to 28-48 hours after it. This is due to the fact that sperm can live for 4-5 days inside your body, and your egg can live 24-48 hours after is has been released.
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