What time of day is it best to poop

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The best time for a bowel movement is 20-40 minutes after a meal, since feeding stimulates bowel activity…more? ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-time-of-day-is-it-best-to-poop ]
More Answers to “What time of day is it best to poop
Which is the best time of the day to poop?
Heavy BM in the morning, with a lighter BM in the late afternoon.

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Q: Please support with facts, some weblinks would be nice. I tried looking it up, but nothing concrete came up.
A: morning
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Q: For me, and a lot of people I know, it seems to be in the morning. Usually within 3 or 4 hours of waking up. I’m thinking that there might be some biology or science behind this. What makes people poop in the mornings? You go into a public bathroom in the morning, you’re bound to find a couple stalls occupied. You go in the afternoon or early evening, you usually have the bathroom to yourself. I’m looking for serious answers…I’m really curious.
A: I think the early morning thing may be a result of the long period without eating (ie. sleep). I mean, they call it break-fast right? So your colon is at rest and you have the time to remove the water in the large intestine. Then you get up and eat, and start the colon off again. Viola, get rid of yesterdays waste and start on a new cycle. I guess you could probably test this by really changing your eating habits and seeing what happens. While surfing for more info I ran across this site. It might interest you.http://www.poopreport.com/index.html
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