What takes away Pimples fast

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What takes away Pimples fast”,you can compare them.

Some people swear by ice to shrink their pimples. But there’s not much you can do except be patient. Don’t pick them. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-takes-away-pimples-fast ]
More Answers to “What takes away Pimples fast
・ 1 Wash you skin with a natural soap. You can use Dr. Bronner’s lavender bar soap, or any soap that does… ・ 2 Massage your face with baking soda mixed with water. You can form a paste by mixing 3 table spoons… ・ 3 Dry off your face gen…
What’s the fastest way to make a pimple go away? How long does th…?
It depends on the pimple if its ready to pop, pop it and then put neosporin on it to prevent a scar. when you pop it dont use your nails or youll make a cut on the skin over the pimple and make it take longer, instead start at the base and …

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what can I use for a really great face mask to take away pimples fast?
Q: I have a dance on THURSDAY and my skin doesn’t look too great. With that I also have a black eye, cos my sis bumped into me.. it’s turning yellow-greenish already! Will I be OK for my dance?? I’m going with a guy I’ve only seen twice in my life!!!
A: try an egg white mask * one egg white*6 drops of witch hazel*6 drops of lemon juice
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Q: im starting 8th grade and school is going to start in just 2 weeks and inthe summer ive been eating a lot of fast food when i go out with my friends.and i want my face to look perfect for school.ive used tooth paste, but it only dry’s my pimples, and it leaves the mark of the pimple…P.S. i dont want the mark to be in my face… (of the pimple)Thanx♥
A: I read that if you put warm honey on the spots for like 10-15 minutes and then rinse of after they should be gone! Also, honey is really good for your skin, but I’m trying it know i will tell you if it works ;)good luck :]
How do you get away the pimples.?
Q: Okay soo far i’ve been doing good avoiding getting pimples, and if i do get them i’m able to take them away fast.But now i have three huge pimples on the worst place that i didn’t want to get them, on my chin! For me having them on your chin is the worst of all places. They don’t seem to want to get away this time like all my other pimples, those stunbborn spots. So i want to know how to get rid of these fast!! it don’t matter if it takes three days, as long as it doesn’t take more than a month to get rid of it. No rude comments, or don’t tell me to just live with it, if i could i wouldn’t bother to ask.
A: i had that same problem, my girl friend told me to just wash my face with regular soap when you wake up and go to bed everynight. i must say its very refreshing and it does work.
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