What Symptoms of ovarian cancer

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Symptoms include: Pressure or pain in the abdomen, pelvis, back, or legs, A swollen or bloated abdomen, Nausea, indigestion, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-symptoms-of-ovarian-cancer ]
More Answers to “What Symptoms of ovarian cancer
What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer?
Ovarian cancer has symptoms that can be easily mistaken for other health issues. For that reason, most women with ovarian cancer don’t benefit from an early diagnosis. Your best protection is to be aware of the potential symptoms and call y…
Do symptoms of ovarian cancer come and go?
If you think you have any symptoms of ovarian cancer see a physician without delay. It is a notoriously aggressive cancer and hard to treat effectively. (A previously cheerful friend of mine started to feel a general sense of malaise, tired…
Do I have symptoms of ovarian cancer?
If you consistently experience several of the following problems, make an appointment with your doctor to be on the safe side. -Digestive pain (gas, nausea, or indigestion). -Pain in the abdominal and pelvic area. -Unexplained changes in yo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer?
Q: I also heard that abnormal bleeding is an important symptom. Is it possible to have ovarian cancer symptoms without the abnormal bleeding?
A: None. Ovarian cancer is well known for having no symptoms at all until its advanced.
What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer vs. ovarian cysts?
Q: I had an ovarian cyst about two years ago. My sister has PCOS and there’s a good chance that I have it as well. I’m more concerned that I have a possible tumor though. I looked up the symptoms for ovarian cancer and I have almost all of them except for maybe one or two. I’m really scared. I’m only 17 and I have no idea how to approach my parents about it. If I do have something wrong with me though, I don’t want to wait until it’s too late to try and get help. I also have symptoms that could possibly just be another cyst, although I did just get my period so I don’t think that it could be a cyst. It could even be uterine prolapse, but those symptoms aren’t the same as the gassy, abdominal pain and back pain I usually have particulary the week before and the week after my period. I also have a lot of underarm perspiration. Could this be another sign? Mostly I’m just scared that it might be to late and though I’m a strong Christian and I understand that there is a reason for everything.
A: It is usually not best to diagnose yourself without about 10 years of medical education and specialization – and even then it isn’t a good idea. Make an appointment with your ob/gyn or family practitioner if you are worried about it.
Is it true that once you experience the symptoms of ovarian cancer, it’s already in the advanced stage?
Q: My mom (who has ovarian cancer) has a number of heavy symptoms (including constant bleeding, and pain). They’ve gotten pretty severe and she’s had them for quite some time. Does this mean the cancer is already in the advanced stages? What are the statistics on this one? What are the odds of her recovering and living for many years more?My mom is waiting to see a doctor and get the full prognosis and I am waiting to hear from mom. In the meantime, I thought I’d find out as much as I could.
A: Yes it’s true. 15% are diagnosed at stage 1 and another 15% at stage 2, but 65% are diagnosed at stage 3. Unfortunately, this cancer does not generally have a very good prognosis. However, statistics have no way to determine how well any individual will do. There are 4 parts to stage 3. The 5-year survival rate ranges from 40-23%.
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