What Strangest phobia

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Zemmiphobia-Fear of the great mole rat. uffers of zemmiphobia believe the great mole rat is tapping their phone line and..More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-strangest-phobia ]
More Answers to “What Strangest phobia
What is your strangest phobia?
Marble. I just can’t explain it. Marble floors, or sinks, or just going to the lumber store and seeing marble. I start to panic. I am not aware of ever living in a house or having a relative that had marble in their home, but it just makes …
Can you help me overcome my strange phobia?
It takes fairly radical action to overcome a phobia. The worst effects of most phobias are off set by simply understanding where they originated. Hypnotherapy would seem the most obvious opportunity for you to confront your phobia.
Do you know of any strange phobias?
“Phobias” In my opinion any phobia is an abnormal fear. That is why it is called a phobia even strange. A fear of the same sex or just having sex would be a phobia. Another common phobia would be that of children. That and a fear…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the strangest phobia that you have ever came across?
Q: Have you ever met anyone with this phobia?
A: HippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobiaThe fear of long words. It’s strange ‘cos it’s ironic.
What is the strangest phobia you have heard of?
Q: Zemmiphobia – Fear of the great mole rat.Suffers of zemmiphobia believe the great mole rat is tapping their phone line and planning an attack, but, in reality, there are no documented cases of giant rats stalking humans.I have roller coaster phobia, which is pretty self explanitory. *shiver*Anyone have a phobia?
A: Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow, or the word yellow.Pteronophobia- Fear of being tickled by feathers.And the strangest, Melophobia- Fear or hatred of music (Liek seriously?)My phobia is taphophobia, which is the fear of being buried alive O_OMaybe I am a little scared of the great mole rat…
What is the strangest phobia you have ever heard of?
Q: My friend heard of a woman who was afraid of paper towels and napkins and toilet paper. That is WEIRD.This is not meant to make FUN of people, it is just to get an idea of some of the stranger phobias out there.
A: I saw on some television show someone who was afraid of Styrofoam.
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