What should i do if i cut myself

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It depends on how deep or clean the cut is, but you should use a clean bandage that completely covers the wound to stop bleeding. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-i-cut-myself ]
More Answers to “What should i do if i cut myself
What do I do if I cut myself?
cloth for at least 5 minutes. Time yourself and do not peek. When do I call the doctor or nurse? Most bleeding events are minor and you do not need to seek medical attention. Bruising is common and unsightly but rarely is a serious probl…
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Why do I cut myself?
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A: If your parents don’t believe you, I’m not sure that would be the best way to tell them. If you are in school, go to the counselor and speak with him/her. Have the counselor contact them and have him/her tell them about the cutting. Most parents will respond more eagerly to an “authority figure.”I hope they will get you some help, but if not, most schools are supposed to help this kind of thing.
I’m running an LLC… should I cut myself a pay check each month?
Q: My friend who also runs an LLC suggested that I should cut myself a paycheck every month… If i do that, would I be considered an employee and cut myself a real paycheck with social security tax and all that stuff taken out?If not, do i have to pay estimated tax and everything and basically work on my personal income + llc income as two separate things?
A: Well it depends on what type of LLC. I’m going to assume you are a single member LLC and did’t request corporate tax status. The IRS considers you a “disregarded entity”. In other words you and the LLC are one in the same so you only have one income stream not 2. You do not issue yourself a payroll check – you take draws. At the end of the year the business net profit is your income on which self employment tax (social security and medicare) and income tax is calculated. Yes you pay estimates throughout the year.
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