What makes scars go away

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What makes scars go away”,you can compare them.

Vitamin E Oil Caplets, honey are a few items known to help scars. Steroid injections, ointments and creams can also be helpful. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-makes-scars-go-away ]
More Answers to “What makes scars go away
How do you make scars go away?
Hey i’m sorry to hear you did that, I hope you dont again. If anyone makes fun of you for it tell me I will take care of them, thats nothing to make fun of. Anyway lol I have lots of scars as well from cig burns and some other crap I actual…
What makes acne scars go away?
Acne is very common in young people during their teenage years.This condition is apparently due to certain hormone changes in the body.It is particularly prevalent during early adolescence years from twelve to sixteen years of age, and more…
Is their anything that makes scars go away?
All of the suggestions I have read above are good – but often people forget water for stretching growing skin. There are a lot of good products out in the market. I would ask the dermatologist for the best results, alot of times they have f…

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Is their anything that makes scars go away?
Q: I scar really easily and i would like to know if there is a way to get rid of old and new scars.
A: All of the suggestions I have read above are good – but often people forget water for stretching growing skin. There are a lot of good products out in the market. I would ask the dermatologist for the best results, alot of times they have free samples of things in their office that they recommend depending on the type of scaring and how deep the skin was damaged.
What makes acne scars go away?
Q: I broke out really bad a few months ago. I went to he dermatologist and he gave me this cream and pills to take. Now my acne is clearing up BUT i still have the scars from some of the acne.What helps the scars go away. WHAT REALLY HELPS??? and makes them go away. I am inpatient and like to see results.PLEASE HELP???
A: Vitamin E always works for me!Are your scars like real bad? Or just like one or two? But anywho vitamin E will get rid of em all. Find it in CVS.
How can you make scars go away?
Q: I pick at my zits all the time and then they turn into scars. I really dont like havin a scared face. How can you make the scars go away? HELP ME PLZZ!!
A: You might want to use a microdermabrasion scrub which is helpful in reducing acne scarring.
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