What its parkinsons disease

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Parkinson’s disease develops gradually, often starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-its-parkinsons-disease ]
More Answers to “What its parkinsons disease
Can you die from parkinsons disease or is it something you die wi…?
The Reverend Billy Graham, actor Michael J. Fox and United States Attorney General Janet Reno are among the more than one million afflicted Americans. Although not nearly as many people die from Parkinson’s disease as once did, because of n…
Who has Parkinsons Disease and how do you live with it?
A lot of people including famous one like Michael J. Fox have it. They either deal with it with pharmacologic treatment which reduces the symptoms or if the pharacologic interventions don’t work, they may be candidates for certain surgial p…
What is the treatment of parkinsons disease and is there a cure f…?
Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disease meaning it’s chronic and it goes on until the disease is full blown and that’s where the whole body is fully degenerated. It is caused by decreased dopamine, a chemical neurotransmiter that tran…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is parkinsons disease and what are its symptoms?
A: Parkinson’s disease is a common, chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system that produces movement disorders and changes in cognition and mood. Its hallmarks include a pill-rolling tremor of the hands, muscular rigidity, loss of facial expression, difficulty initiating movements (bradykinesia), and gait disturbances (esp. shuffling gait, festination, and sometimes difficulty initiating forward movements). Parkinson’s disease (PD) is usually found in people over the age of 65. Its underlying cause is not known. Although PD often clusters in families, whether this is the result of genetics or of exposure to common precipitating agents (viruses, toxins) is uncertain. In the U.S. about one and a half million people have Parkinson disease. SymptomsMost patients report gradual onset of aching, fatigue, or malaise, followed by evidence of a tremor in one or more extremities, typically a hand when it is at rest. Other common symptoms include difficulty getting up from a chair or turning over in bed; a change in vocal quality (a softer, less audible voice); shuffling gait that becomes faster after a few steps (festination); and a stooped posture. As the years pass, frequent falls may occur. Occasionally a tendency to fall backward (retropulsion) replaces festination. Facial expressiveness may diminish, and the handwriting may become smaller or more cramped (micrographia).
How long does someone with parkinsons disease live to be?
Q: Is parkinsons Disease fatal. My mom has had it for about 20 years and she is 54 now. How much longer will she live and what will happen to her. She had the brain surgery 5 years ago and it’s not working any more. Please help.
A: Parkinson Disease is chronicle condition.It is a lot of help out there.Parkinson disease association is good one, Specialist Parkinson nurse in your region other.In neurological clinic in London is best specialist in Parkinson’s, his name is professor Queen.GP cud do referal.
Can parkinsons disease be passed down to you?
Q: My mother suffered from parkinsons disease, and i have recently experienced tremors, does it have any relation?
A: parkinsons can be passes down to you. i think its like a 50/50 chance. i wouldnt worry though. In order to get tested, i believe you have to have a pshych evaluation so that they know whether or not you can handle actually knowing. Dont wory about it though, live your life. See a doctor if the tremors continue or get worse.
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