What is worse 1st or 3rd degree burn

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A 3rd degree burn is worse than a 1st degree. Thanks for doin’ the ChaCha with me! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-worse-1st-or-3rd-degree-burn ]
More Answers to “What is worse 1st or 3rd degree burn
Which is worse, a first degree burn or a third degree burn??
The degrees stand for the depth of the burn. Third degree is severe, first is similar to a bad sunburn, fourth…well that’s bad.
What’s worse, first degree burns or third degree burns??
Often, our Special Agents answer questions that are so thought-provoking, they are inclined to do further research. So here is our Agents choice for question of the day: Q:  What’s worse, first degree burns or third degree burns? A:  Not…
Why is 1st degree murder the worst, but then giving someone the 3…?
Strange, isn’t it? Well, think about this one. A 1st degree burn is less than a 3rd degree burn. Why is the 1st degree burn less than a 1st degree murder? Wouldn’t you think anything in the 1st degree would be the worse?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is worse, a 1st degree burn or a 3rd degree burn??
A: Hi the degrees in burns relate to how much damage they do to your body and range from 1st degree to 4th degree 1st degree is burn only to outler layer of skin very minor and superficial resulting in redness and some discomfort and tenderness in affected area 2nd degree burns the first two layers of skin and resulting in pain, blisters and posible infection moderate damage in affected area 3rd degree burns severe damage to all layers of skin and underlying tissues with great chance for infection and complete tissue necrosis ( death to affected skin areas very serious may need skin grafts and plastic surgery can be life threatning immediate care by burn center neccessary 4th degree plasma burn by lava or plasma energy field complete and total destruction of affected area 98%fatal comfort them untill triage extreme pain specialists in trauma in burn center required death is usually immmnent or has already occured does this answer your questions 4th degree is very rare Gorbalizer
Why is a 3rd degree burn the worst type of burn, but 1st degree murder is the worst of its kind?
Q: Why do they number the burns backwards?
A: They were developed out of two separate systems to describe two separate things. The difference makes sense when you think about them in terms of what they describe rather than the level of intensity.A 1st degree murder is a planned, premeditated murder; rather than non-premeditated (2nd degree) or intention to just harm (3rd degree). As the degrees progress, you get further from the intention of murder. 1st degree means the person intended to kill before it happened. 2nd degree, the person was not planning to murder, but was led by the situation to do so. 3rd degree, there was no intention to murder.Degrees in burns refer to the extent of the burn in the skin. A first degree burn would effect only the epidermis (the outermost layer) of the skin. A 3rd degree murder means that the epidermis has been lost and there’s damage to the subcutaneous layer. It affects deeper layers of the skin. In this case, you could consider the degree to refer to how deep in the skin that the burn affects.
Can a 1st/2nd/3rd degree burn be poisonous?
Q: I burned myself pretty badly on Friday and I have been putting some antibiotic cream on it…. well, it still looks pretty bad…. there is a red ring around the burn and the inside of it looks like it is starting to scab. Well today, I used the bathroom and my stools emerged as bright green. I know that green stools can be a sign of poison, but could this be related to the burn? Thank you so much!
A: Ever heard of sunstroke or heat stroke? sun poisoning?usually these ailments come with a variety of symptoms, like diarhea, chills, blistering of the skin, aches, etc.your body uses its natural defenses to fight back and return to healthy balance.I see no difference between that and what you are experiencing. If you are concerned-you should go see a doctor!
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