What is White clumpy discharge

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A white, curdlike discharge that looks like cottage cheese is a classic sign of yeast infection. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-white-clumpy-discharge ]
More Answers to “What is White clumpy discharge
your most likely pregnant:} congrats! the clumpy white is probably a yeast infection and the are very very common when pregnant. it looks like your past your date to start your period so you might want to take a pregnancy test. the first sy…
What is the white clumpy discharge ? This is called the cottage cheese effect of an ongoing yeast infection and or Candida vaginitis may elicit no vaginal discharge, merely causing vulvar and or vaginal erythema. If a discharge is present,…
A white, clumpy discharge that resembles cottage cheese is usually a yeast infection.

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Q: For two days now I have been pretty dry. My period is due is 4 days and I’m usually pretty wet before my period. I’m having white clumpy discharge, it looks like toilet paper when it gets wet, and bally yano? When I squeeze it between my finger it goes into normal lotion like discharge. There is no burning, itching, pain during sex, or discomfort at all. What could this be? Just different discharge?
A: if your discharge looks like cottage cheese its a sign of a yeast infection…try talking to your doctor
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A: That white clumpy discharge you describe is very typical of what my wife gets every now and then. It looks just like cottage cheese though is much more bitter. This is a fungal infection usually caused by yeast. You need to have someone look up in there and make sure the diagnosis is correct then clean it all out with some antibiotics. Good luck.
How long does it take to get rid of the white clumpy discharge that comes from using Metrogel.?
A: no, i know exactly what u are talking about, after u are done using it then u should take baths for the next couple of days….it should go away after that. its not discharge its actually the remaining of the metrogel.
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