What is verdigo

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Verdigo is the sensation of spinning or whirling that occurs as a result of a disturbance in balance. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-verdigo ]
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Can i actually die from migraine headaches & verdigo problem …?
You need to go to a doctor and tell him especially about the dizziness, it can mean inner ear trouble, or indeed a tumor in the occipital lobe of the brain. And aneurysms can cause you to become dizzy. If you have one you need it filled wit…
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can i actually die from migraine headaches & verdigo problem ?
Q: Someone told me that what i was diagnosed with a migraine headaches & verdigo problem that i can actually die from the headaches. Is that true that i could die from the headaches ?
A: You need to go to a doctor and tell him especially about the dizziness, it can mean inner ear trouble, or indeed a tumor in the occipital lobe of the brain. And aneurysms can cause you to become dizzy. If you have one you need it filled with Platinum. But you definately need to see your doctor. Other things can cause dizziness, like the doctor prescribing too much Thyroxine for Low Thyroid.
Have you had a failed lateral tympanoplasty surgery and did you develop either tinnitus or verdigo?
A: no:-)
HELP!! VIRDIGO! My mom has serious verdigo! What do i do! will she get better?
Q: Help! My mother has a serious condition of virdigo! What will help her get better?!?!?!?!? She has had it for about a year now. What can we do to help her get better?!? )8
A: I’m really sorry that your mom is suffering from vertigo (feels like room is spinning) as it can be such a limiting symptom. The antivert may help with vertigo but I would also get a referral to an ear, nose and throat (ent) dr. They deal with those that have vestibular (inner ear) disorders among other problems. If she’s seen one already and hasn’t gotten a definitive diagnosis (sometimes it’s not too clear with vestibular symptoms), perhaps she can talk with another ent. I’m really hoping that she feels some relief soon from her symptoms. Please remember that she should get up from a lying position slowly since too fast can cause one’s blood pressure to drop and cause more dizziness. The person should also Not do any type of quick movements For general information on vestibular disorders:http://www.vestibular.org (Please do Not attempt any of the vestibular exercise therapy techniques as only trained health professional should adminster due to possibly increase of symptoms with certain disorders and such.)
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