What is turburculosis

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Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria and it affects the lungs but also can involve almost any organ of the body. Cha!Cha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-turburculosis ]
More Answers to “What is turburculosis
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by a germ called Mycobacterium (my-ko-bak-TEER-I-um) tuberculosis . TB most often affects the lungs, but TB germs can infect any part of the body. TB may be latent or active TB. “Latent” means that the …
Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease caused by a type of bacteria that can be spread from person to person through the air. A person with TB disease spreads the bacteria to others by coughing, laughing, sneezing, or even by speaking. TB i…
Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic bacterial infection that usually infects the lungs, although other organs are sometimes involved. TB is primarily an airborne disease (spread by air droplets from infected people when they cough or sneeze). Th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you test positive for a PPD/Turburculosis skin test, does that mean you can’t become a teacher in the US?
A: if you test positive for PPD, then you are required to get a chest xray to determine if the TB is active. if it is active, you are put on a course of antibiotics and required to have a chest xray every 6 months.this has nothing to do with becoming a teacher. the only relevence is that the test may be required to become a teacher. the only thing to hold you back from getting the job is poor hiring skills.
TURBURCULOSIS (TB) is it possible for someone to have a negative TB skin test one week?
Q: but in a week or to have a chest xray that says positive or shows that the person has TB , and if so would the TB be active TB or inactive (what i mean by inactive is would it be like old tb tb that the person had years ago but is not contagious now )ok this question is not pertaining to myself so no i dont have it , but someone i know may have it thats y the questions thanks all for all your help and please keep helping
A: if you had TB and was cured, scarring may still be seen on your chest xrays..but if u think you are developing TB, try to ckeck if you have the symptoms:cough longer than a week,difficulty breathing (due to the cough), andblood-tinged sputum (a late sign) indicating a (+) TBwell, ideally a chest xray is done first to have a picture of your lungsand then if they found out somehting, that’s the time they’ll order a Mantoux test (the TB Skin test)if its positive (as shown by a formation of a wheal/induration after 72hrs)a sputum culture is ordered to confirm the diagnosis..in your case, you had Mantoux test before the chest xray..and the xray shows something now,i suggest you ask for a repeat mantoux test so that you’ll know if you have itand if you have it (i hope not)go get a sputum exam…TB is treatable if you have compliance most especially to the medication regimenlets hope for a negative result for you..thanks
turburculosis of the bone?
Q: i had a fried that was diagnosed with this 2 months ago, hes been on bed rest and taking medication, the problem is daily he is getting worse, he can barely walk now because of 1 leg is growing faster then the other, hes 28… i would like any details that you know on this desease as i can find nothing on the internet.. thank you
A: TB can spread from lungs to any organ (meninges, bones, adrenal glands). In your friend’s case is called Pott’s disease, when this bacteria growths inside a vertebra causing fractures and compressions of spinal nerves that emerge from the column. Your friend must be taking 4 drugs (antibiotics) in order to get rid of the bug. And should be on pain medication. Hope this help. Email me if you have any other concerns.
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