What is tuberculosis

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Tuberculosis – an infectious bacterial disease that usually affects the lungs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-tuberculosis ]
More Answers to “What is tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by a germ called Mycobacterium (my-ko-bak-TEER-I-um) tuberculosis . TB most often affects the lungs, but TB germs can infect any part of the body. TB may be latent or active TB. “Latent” means that the …
Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease caused by a type of bacteria that can be spread from person to person through the air. A person with TB disease spreads the bacteria to others by coughing, laughing, sneezing, or even by speaking. TB i…
Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic bacterial infection that usually infects the lungs, although other organs are sometimes involved. TB is primarily an airborne disease (spread by air droplets from infected people when they cough or sneeze). Th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Can anybody help me to understand why Tuberculosis usually affects the top of the lungs more than elsewhere in the lungs?Thanks…
A: Sorry, i cant find anything to clarify why it only affects the top of the lungs….Never heard that b4 anyway:)
What are some diseases similar to tuberculosis and could be mistaken as Tuberculosis?
Q: So I am researching tuberculosis, and I have to answer the question:If it isn’t your exact disease, what else could it be?So essentially I have to find diseases with the same signs and symptoms, ones that may act in the same way or cause your body to look the same way as tuberculosis.I then have to talk about how they are similar and why. Any help would be great. Thanks.
A: So other mycobacterium would look the same on stains:Mycobacterium bovisMycobacterium kansasiiand other mycobacteriaOther bacteria can cause similar lung disease (but look different on stain and culture):NocardiaRhodococcus equiiand other bacteria
How was tuberculosis treated during the American Civil War?
Q: How was tuberculosis treated around the time of the American Civil War? I’ve tried to find the answer, but have been unable to find any information other than the number of people who died because of it. Thanks for the help!
A: I don’t think there was any very effective treatement for tuberculosis (consumption as they called it then). People used to believe that it was good to go to places with fresh air, mountains etc, in Europe there were sanotariums in places like Switzerland which were popular with those who could afford them. I expect there were similar places in the USA. Injecting air into the chest cavity was thought to be helpful, but I don’t suppose it did any good really. Apparently they also tried to reduce lung size through surgery. It was all pretty hopeless though. TB accounted for 25% of deaths in Europe during the 19th century, and I expect it was as bad in America.
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