What is tonselitis

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Education .We found some answers as below for this question “What is tonselitis”,you can compare them.

Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils. It is caused by either a virus or a bacterium. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-tonselitis ]
More Answers to “What is tonselitis
Tonsillitis refers to the inflammation of a tonsil – the large, fleshy, oval masses of tissue that lie in the lateral wall of the oral pharynx on either side of the throat. These clusters of tissue contain cells that produce antibodies that…
Tonsillitis is a swelling of the tonsils. Tonsillitis can be caused by either a viral or bacterial infection. A viral form of tonsillitis will not respond to antibiotics, and the symptoms can only be treated with time and over-the-counter p…
If you think your child has had too many throat infections or that his tonsils are simply too big, then ask your Pediatrician for a referral to a Pediatric ENT specialist to discuss if a tonsillectomy would be appropriate. On the other hand…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the symptoms of tonselitis?
Q: I know that’s probably spelled wrong=P but whatever. I really need to know the symptoms of tonselitis.
A: fever swollen tonsils, sore throat, achy. sometimes pus on the tonsils are a good indicator
Is Tonselitis contagious?
A: nah…. i had it when i was a kid and it wasnt contagious
i have tonselitis.. am i meant to be coughing aswell?
Q: i’ve been to the doctors and he said i have tonsillitis..? But i caught a cough off my friend who has a chest infection and then my glands swell up and he says i have tonsillitis.isit right to be coughing tooo??
A: im not to sure to be honest with you because i had tonsillitis a couple of weeks ago but i never coughed with it, i had the swollen tonsils, trouble swallowing & pain in my ears but not the coughing, but then my friend also got tonsillitis about a month ago and she was non stop coughing with it, so if your worried I would go back to the doctors and ask or even ring them up.
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