What is thyroiditis

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Thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland and can be an autoimmune disease. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-thyroiditis ]
More Answers to “What is thyroiditis
Thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland.
Definition Thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped organ next to the windpipe. Description The thyroid is the largest gland in the neck. It produces, secretes, and stores thyroxine (T 4), a hormone that influenc…
Thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland which is located in front of the neck:

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: can someone explain this to me. i have a series of blood test, tsh – 0.258 (slightly low-ref.range 0.27 -4.0) then tsh irma above normal, normal free T4, thyroid scan showed thyroiditis, low level of activity according to iodine uptake. sometimes feel irritable, mild anxiety, mild nervousness, no palpitations, no high blood pressure.
A: Only a minor treatable condition. 3 in 10 people have it. You are slightly hyperthyroidism. They may prescribe low dose of synthroid.
How long until Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is gone if taking meds properly?
Q: I know that it’s never really GONE, but how long until the person is back to normal.****ALSO does Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis cause a person to be hard to handle and become a completely different person?
A: I had the tumor remove thirty years ago, and no I didn’t change at all, I don’t even take syntheroid now, but losing weight is a problem.Generally you perk up more when you get your thyroid or thyroid substitute working again.So you might be more active or cheerful. But not manic or crazy or a completely different person.
Does thyroiditis have anything to do with loss of vocal range and singing ability that was once there?
Q: I sang all through high school and have continued to sing and had an extensive range. Now, after being diagnosed with thyroiditis it has drastically decreased and many times i cant sing at all through songs i once could. is this caused by my condition and will it go away?
A: There is a possiblility that you have inflamation of your thyroid and you may have an enlarged thyroid, or nodules on your thyroid. There is a possibility that an enlarged thyroid is pressing on your vocal chords, due to its location in your neck. Has the doctor done a physical exam of your neck to see if you have an enlarged (called a goiter) thyroid? If not, it is time for an exam. People diagnosed with thyroiditis may have a sonogram or ultrasound to make sure the thyroid doesn’t have any nodules. Nodules are almost always non-cancerous.If the thyroid is not enlarged, then another condition may be causing your loss of vocal range. GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or acid reflux disease can cause problems with your voice. It will start with loss of vocal range, then you may find that you cannot sing at all like you used to, or you can’t make it through a song. If you have frequent heartburn or a sour taste in your mouth after you eat, then definately go see yoru doctor. When I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (Grave’s Disease) I had a enlarged thyroid and I was starting to lose my vocal range. I used to be able to sing first soprano through first tenor. Now my voice sounds hoarse and horrible, and I cannot make it through a song. I have been treated for the thyroid problems, but still have problems with my voice. I used to think the thyroid was to blame, but it is my allergies, sinus problems and my history of acid reflux disease. Have your doctor examine your thyroid, and if that is not the problem, explain your problems. Once the doctor determines what is going on, hopefully you can get your voice back. Good luck.
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