What is the worst sports injury

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the worst sports injury”,you can compare them.

Death i think is the worst thing that can happen in regards to a sports injury, cha cha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-worst-sports-injury ]
More Answers to “What is the worst sports injury
What is the worst sport injury?
skating alone i had broke my ankle twice broke 3 bones in my foot tissue damage in hand broken wrist broken knee many dislocations and getting hit in the nuts almost every day
What’s the worst sports injury you’ve experienced?
Broken tooth: took my eye off a fly ball.
Is this the worst sports injury you’ve seen?
Man that was horrible Poor guy Its a 9 Ive seen worse though hopefully he can play again

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

In your opinion, what is the WORST sports injury you have ever seen?
Q: I’m talking about in professional sports, not anything in intramural, or pick-up games.
A: When Hank Gathers died on the basketball court. I mean you couldn’t see it on the outside but the look of fright and vulnerability in his eyes is something that I’ll remember forever. As far as an actual visual injury-when Lawrence Taylor sacked Joe Theismann and his lower leg snapped in two. LT’s reaction was one of sheer terror and desperation. But Hank’s death was a lot more shocking and tragic. RIP…
What is your worst sports/training related injury?
Q: I was just curious what was your worst injury you have ever received that did NOT require an operation OR an extended hospital stay.Mine was from refereeing 25 soccer games in 9 days. I went to bed in little pain (other than my muscles and little in my right knee) at 2:00 am I woke up with a sharp pain in my knee. The strain was so bad I could NOT see my knee cap for nearly 2 1/2 to 3 weeks.Nena … what happened when you fell off your horse? did you land on your tail bone and couldn’t sit down for 2 or 3 weeks?I’m putting it to a vote … I can’t decide between #1, 2, 5,6, OR 7
A: mine required surgery, so i’ll tell you my daughters…she was playing softball and was the catcher. the batter slung the bat and it hit my daughters wrist, right above her thumb. she caught the ball the girl had popped up! but, she would’ve been out anyways (i know). her hand swelled so bad the doctor thought it was broken in the growth plate…but, it was just huge for a few weeks and bruised horribly.
What is the worst sports injury ever?
Q: besides the time when the entire congolese soccer team was killed by a bolt of lightning, what is your opinion?
A: there was this guy in some sort of horse race and he somehow flipped his cart and went flying and smashed to the ground. he was like, 30 feet in the air!!!!!!
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