What is the worst pain ever

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the worst pain ever”,you can compare them.

Some people find different things more painful than others. Many believe that severe burns would cause the most pain ever. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-worst-pain-ever ]
More Answers to “What is the worst pain ever
What is the worst pain you can ever have?
I think that thinking you’ve lost someone very important to you for good….it feels like there’s a big hole in your chest where your heart should be… and your heart beat just feels hollow…like its beating for nothing
How bad is the pain?
One way to describe this is on a scale of “1 to 10,” with one being almost no pain and ten being unbearable pain. But another way is to compare it to similar levels of pain, for example, a mild headache, a severe toothache, sore muscles, et…
Is your pain worse when it rains?
Research into the topic of pain perception when it rains indicate that feeling more pain may be BOTH an emotionally triggered reaction to the gloomy weather AND may have actual measurable physical effects in terms of the level of pain exper…

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Q: I have had like this cramping like I ate something really really wrong and the pain is so bad that im bent over. Finally I went to the bathroom and the cramps during the movement were so bad i actually felt like i was pushing a baby out… sounds crazy I know but it was probly the worst pain ever. This may be TMI but i also feel like my vagina is more exposed im young and first time mom so pease dont be too rude im just asking… Thanks again for any answers….
A: If you continue to cramp after your BM you should call your GYN for guidance.
Who else thinks that mouth pain is the WORST pain ever?
Q: I have not, can not and will never feel any worse physical pain then mouth pain!
A: nah – i’ve had cramps that made me throw up and even pass out from pain before
What IS the worst PAIN you have EVER felt???
Q: Worst pain ever??????????????????????
A: a vaginal sonogram in which they dialated my uterus. Similar to labor pain without any pain killers. That was 4 or 5 years ago and I am traumatized to this day
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