What is the worst pain a human can feel

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the worst pain a human can feel”,you can compare them.

Trigeminal neuralgia, a the condition that causes nerves in the face to send intense pain signals to the brain for no reason. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-worst-pain-a-human-can-feel ]
More Answers to “What is the worst pain a human can feel
Do humans feel pain worse than animals?
We feel pain to prevent ourselves from further injury. I’d imagine animals adapted to react to harmful stimuli, such as heat like we have. Obviously, mammals are easier to relate to, and I’m sure you have seen/heard a pet or animal react to…

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In your opinion, what is the worst pain a human can feel?
Q: Just Wondering
A: I think getting severely burnt would be the worst
Do humans feel pain worse than animals?
Q: Do humans feel pain worse than animals. human self preservation is much higher than other species of mammal. We are advanced in intelligence and nervously. So.. Do we feel pain worse than other animals, fish , arthropods etc.And do we experience a different kind of sensation..
A: We feel pain to prevent ourselves from further injury. I’d imagine animals adapted to react to harmful stimuli, such as heat like we have. Obviously, mammals are easier to relate to, and I’m sure you have seen/heard a pet or animal react to pain. I think it is easier to tell ourselves animals do not feel pain as we do because it lessens the guilt we feel from say, cooking a live lobster. Maybe animals, like starfish, do not feel pain as we do. If a starfish loses a leg, it grows one back. Curling itself up into a ball, and cringing in pain will not increase its survival, so maybe it doesn’t feel intense pain. If you, however, lost an arm, one would not grow back, and pain would let you know to take care of it.
What is the worst pain that you can suffer?
Q: What is the most excruciating pain that you can suffer through without going into shock or dying? Is there a limit to how much physical pain humans can feel?
A: For men passing a kidney stone is excruciating.
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