What is the Worlds longest pee

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The longest pee delivered at one continuous shoot was 36 mins 24secs by Mr George Wingfield. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-worlds-longest-pee ]
More Answers to “What is the Worlds longest pee
What’s the world record for how long someone’s gone without peein…?
The famous composer Ludwig Van Beethoven died on Monday 26 March 1827. Apparently, since that day he has not had a piss.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Whats the worlds longest pee.? (as in toilet)?
Q: I can’t find it in the guinness book of records
A: why are you interested in pee
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Q: how do you break it? do you get breaks? do you have to pee your pants? idk i just wanna know it sounds funnyim so not going to try do break it i just wanted to know
A: lol stace…. hey if u want a partner to try to break it i think i know someone (wink wink) lol
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Q: Well… Without going to the bathroom…how about 35 years??just wanna no… won’t try it duh….not 100… 10
A: Bad idea to try it. This is a documented way to kill yourself painfully. Your brain-cells start to swell once your body’s salt-balance is diluted, and then it is too late.
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