What is the symptom of an ingrown hair

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If you have an ingrown hair there will be a painful red bump on the skin, they appear anywhere we shave, and often in clusters. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-symptom-of-an-ingrown-hair ]
More Answers to “What is the symptom of an ingrown hair
What are the symptoms of an ingrown hair?
The most common symptom of an ingrown hair is inflammation of the skin, followed by pus formation. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. The symptoms of an ingrown hair may resemble other skin conditions. Always cons…
What is ingrown hair and the symptoms of an ingrown hair?
Ingrown hair is : A hair that does not emerge from the follicle, Instead it curls into the side wall of the hair follicle or into the skin surface, causing inflammation. This inflammation can produce permanent scarring and/or color changes …
What are the Symptoms of Razor Bumps and Ingrown Hairs??
The symptoms of razor bumps and ingrowing hair are unsightly red or darkened, painful ‘bumps’ which can lead to ‘scarring’ in severe cases.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you know if you have a ingrown hair or a herpes symptom?
Q: basically, i woke up this morning and in the shower, i saw this single bump where i had recently shaved ( LOL ) and there is a hair coming out the bump, is that an ingrown hair ( or inflammed ffollicle) or a herpes symptom, its really small, and does not hurt or itch or anything?
A: It’s an ingrown hair. Just scrub and put some antiseptic on it.
Are there any home remedies for an ingrown hair in the groin area?
Q: I had an ingrown hair removed from my groin area in Nov. 2006. It went from the size of a quarter to the size of a baseball within three days. I had to be hospitalized for the surgery. It was exacerbated by diabetes. The symptoms came back in approx. the same area two days ago,and has doubled in size already. Aside from going to a doctor, is there anything I can do at home to remedy this?The surgeon said it was an ingrown hair, but it was so big, I think it may be a cyst or boil. It is some kind of abcess, and it is already red and swollen. I have no insurance, and cannot afford another surgery. The last surgery cost over $15,000, which I can’t afford to pay for. I can’t squeeze it, it is already too sore. It is very deep just like the last one.
A: If it keeps coming back in the same area, it might be Hidradenitis Suppurativa. You can check out http://www.hs-usa.org for more info.In the meantime, hot compresses and hot baths will help to bring it to a head and burst. You can add Epsom salts to the bathwater to help the process.If it is really that painful, you can get Vick’s Vapo Rub CREAM (not the goop that we all grew up with) and smear it on there. The menthol in the Vapo Rub will numb the area a bit and it will feel like a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day…If the hot baths/compresses do not work, you will probably have to have it I&D’ed by a doctor. I would suggest going to an Urgent Care Center to have this done. If you do get it I&D’ed, make sure you ask them to do a culture. If it is HS, the lesion might be sterile… and therefore there would be no need for antibiotics.
Difference Between Ingrown Hair and Herpes?
Q: I shaved about 4-5 days ago and now i have a single red bump, where i shaved there, the bump had a hair growing out of it til i plucked it, as i was told thats what helps in grown hairs heal, it doesent hurt, itch, or burn etc absolutly nothing, and its really small, is this a ingrown hair, or herpes symptoms?
A: I don’t think it’s herpes. It’s most likely an in grown hairs they can be painful but not half as painful as herpes can be. If you recently shaved it could be an in grown hair or razor burn. Genital herpes comes from having oral sex or regular sex, not shaving.
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