What is the sleeping disorder called

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More than 100 different disorders of sleeping and waking have been identified. Insomnia is a common one though. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-sleeping-disorder-called ]
More Answers to “What is the sleeping disorder called
What is this sleeping disorder called?
SOMNAMBULISM OR SLEEP WALKING. This is common for school-age kids. They usually outgrow this condition. There is a chemical that is released when people are asleep that makes them “paralysed,” with sleep walkers they do not have t…
What is this sleep disorder called?
It is called delayed onset of sleep. Pure and simple. you need to practice some cognitive skills of training your brain to sleep. If you are laying in bed, and can;t sleep, get up, and do something like some reading, out of the bedroom. do …
Is there such thing called a sleeping disorder?
Well yes, there is something called sleeping disorder, but I am not too sure if you have one. First of all, try to shrug it off! more often than not, the only disorder people face is the fact that they have some kind of disorder. However, s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is this sleeping disorder called?
Q: I sometimes wake up walking around the house crying, dreaming, and having weird thoughts. I am not sleeping when I do it because I can recall what is going on. I am paralyzed not being able to move, and have no control of my body. It is so scary. I am 16 now, and this has been happening my whole life. I am not sure, but I think it is caused by stress. Even when I snap out of it, I am still shaky. What is this sleep disorder called?
A: SOMNAMBULISM OR SLEEP WALKING. This is common for school-age kids. They usually outgrow this condition. There is a chemical that is released when people are asleep that makes them “paralysed,” with sleep walkers they do not have this chemical. A sleep test can be done to confirm this diagnosis. Somnambulism that begins later in life or lasts into adulthood may have psychological causes, such as extreme strain or, rarely, medical causes such as epilepsy. I hope this information helps.
Have you ever had a sleeping disorder called insomnia?
Q: If so, how’d u get over it?
A: Yep. I wouldn’t sleep for 4 days at a time. Insomnia is only a symptom of a problem though. You get over it by fixing the underlying condition. Usually that condition is psychological. Like you are worried about something, or you just can’t shut off your brain. Google for insomnia, and you will find all of the tips and tricks for resolving something like this.In my case, the underlying condition to my insomnia was severe hyperthyroidism. Once the hyperthyroidism was under control, the insomnia got so much better. It took months to get the hyperthyroidism under control though, and I wouldn’t have lived that long without sleep, so in the mean time I took inhuman doses of prescription sleep medication.
What is the sleep disorder called if you feel like you are having a heart attach when you sleep?
A: It is probably Sleep Apnea. With Sleep Apnea your heart stops and requires a huge snore or intake of oxygen while asleep this can cause you chest or heart to feel pain. It is probably pain in your chest from repeated heart stops and the huge effort to catch your breath. You need to see your doctor, he will order a sleep study which is done in a Sleep Lab. It is a very comfortable setting that you sleep in while hooked up to monitors and a technican watching from the next room. Nobody can diagnose this and there is a possiblity that it could be something else. Maybe you would want to be checked out at the emergency room to be certain that it isn’t your heart.
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