What is the REM stage of sleep

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Dreams usually occur in the REM stage of sleep. REM stand for Rapid Eye Movement. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-rem-stage-of-sleep ]
More Answers to “What is the REM stage of sleep
How do you get past REM stage of sleep?
If you want to avoid REM sleep altogether you can set your alarm for 90-120 minutes into your sleep cycle. This will wake you up before you reach the REM cycle. Just as another thought, you could try to control your dreams. Look up “Lu…
Do you grow during the REM stage of sleep?
Growth is a continuous process which does not stop during the sleep. If that is so a child will take too long to grow to an adult because a child sleeps for more than 18 hours in the initial phases.
Can snakes and birds enter the REM stage of sleep?
Snakes no. Birds, I am not sure about.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can snakes and birds enter the REM stage of sleep?
Q: Can snakes and birds enter the REM stage of sleep at all? If they can, how long do they need to sleep for? If they don’t, how do they rest?
A: Snakes no. Birds, I am not sure about.
How is the paralysis of limbs happen during the REM stage of sleep?
Q: Please explain really simply
A: The nerve cells in the brainstem, the relay station of the central nervous system situated between the largest part of the brain (the cerebral hemispheres) above it and the spinal cord below stop sending signals (neurotransmitters are the signals) to one another, shutting down the connection between the motor cortex of the brain (the source of movement instructions) and the muscles. Just how it does this is unknown.From http://www.sleepdisorderchannel.com/rem/index.shtmlSleep Paralysis “The basic mechanism for REM sleep paralysis is found in the brainstem, the part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the cerebral hemispheres, and that consists of the pons, midbrain, and the medulla oblongata. Although physicians do not thoroughly understand the complex processes, it is known that the brainstem undergoes changes in REM sleep that result in paralysis of the body’s voluntary muscles. Certain neurotransmitters, like acetylcholine (Ach), become dormant and do not communicate motor activity. The absence of muscular contraction during REM can be seen as a drop on the electromyogram (EMG) during polysomnography. The electroencephalogram (EEG) shows elevated brain activity during REM.”
how do you get into the REM stage of sleep and how could I get there more often?
Q: I like having dreams (can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t) and would be interested in knowing how to reach that state of sleep more often.
A: In class my teacher (it was a psych. teacher, actually two of them) said that the best time for REM sleep or the time that its at its height is in between 10pm-2am…..but i guess it really just depends if you get all the hours of sleep your body needs (no more no less) because you do go into REM sleep several times at night, and when you remember a dream its because you woke up during that stage or really soon after, because you can dream in ALL stages…the more vivid dreams are in REM sleep.we all dream several dreams a night the problem is we cant retain them.
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