What is the probability of getting HIV

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With 100 partners there’s a 6% increase in risk for heterosexuals. By comparison, there is a 45% increase for homosexual men. Cha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-probability-of-getting-hiv ]
More Answers to “What is the probability of getting HIV
What’s the probability of getting HIV/AIDS through rubbining one …?
Its a very high chance. Usually you won’t be able to tell you have it until 3-4 weeks when symptoms start to show. but if you have been exposed go to doctor immediatly! like now or something?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Unsafe oral sex + safe intercourse, what is the probability of getting infected with HIV?
Q: Hey, is the probability of getting infected with HIV very high when doing unsafe oral sex but a safe intercourse?
A: Oral sex (with or without a barrier/condom) is considered to be a low risk activity. Compared with the high risk activities (ie. unprotected vaginal/anal intercourse, sharing needles) there have been relatively few cases of HIV transmission as a result of oral sex. *The vast majority of people who become HIV+, do so from unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal or anal)There have been no documented cases of someone getting HIV from receiving oral sex (being blown) from an HIV+ personThere are some factors that can increase a persons risk for acquiring HIV from PERFORMING oral sex.-Ejaculation in mouth (though pre-ejacularoty fluid/pre-c.u.m. contains HIV and can transmit the infection)-burns, cuts, trauma to the oral cavity-bleeding gums (wait 30mins-2hrs after brushing, flossing, eating abrasive foods before performing oral sex)-recent dental work-sexually transmitted infection in the mouth/throatIt would be safest to use a barrier/condom and not take any genital fluids into the mouth. But if you do take fluids into your mouth, there is a new phrase we use : swallow or spit, just don’t let it sit. If you are engaging in unsafe oral sex it is important that you get regular sexual health screening — there is a lot more than HIV that should give you cause for concern. Let the nurse/doctor know that you engage in unprotected oral sex so that they will check your throat for infections (this is important) as well as get at least an annual HIV test.Take care
Whats the probability of getting HIV if you have sex with two different “virgin” person within 7-10 days?
Q: Of course without condom.Ok lemme add this, all three of them are HIV free.
A: If they are HIV-negative, your chance is zero.Enjoy your new children 🙂
What’s the probability of getting HIV/AIDS through rubbining one cut against the other who’s infected?
Q: I’m paranoid again I just want to know
A: Its a very high chance. Usually you won’t be able to tell you have it until 3-4 weeks when symptoms start to show. but if you have been exposed go to doctor immediatly! like now or something?
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