What is the phobia of feet

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Claus here, the fear of feet is commonly known as podophobia. Have a wonderful night! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-phobia-of-feet ]
More Answers to “What is the phobia of feet
How to overcome phobia of feet?
avoid them, but what exactly dont you like? the smell lol, the color, the toes, the movement. if you think about why you dont like feet maybe you could try to say “hey, its not all bad i shouldnt have a phobia for it.”
Is it phobia to lick beautiful feet in high heel sandals??
Its a fetish, not a phobia. A phobia is something you are afraid. A fetish is a sexual interest. He should try some counseling and if you want to stay with him, you should talk to him as well about this interest. He can’t help what he likes…
Who elses got a foot phobia?
Yep, you got a foot phobia all right. Start working on it by going barefoot yourself. Start at home and work your way till you can go out in public barefoot.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is it called when you have the phobia of someone touching you with their feet?
Q: not when people touch my feet, im perfectly fine with that. It’s when someone touches me with their feet i freak out and i wanna cry. im basically scared of feet. Whats that phobia called?
A: i’m not scared of feet…but i hate them, and i don’t want them near me….or on me….and i have no idea what it’s called i just call it “get your feet the F**k away from me” phobia.
Do people, who have a feet phobia, look down when they walk?
Q: I mean that, when you look down, you are not only looking at your feet, but others around you.
A: when a person have feet phobia they are not afraid of their own feet. They are afraid of other’s feet. Women who have androphobia are afraid of other men but usually not the ones in their family like brother or father ( unless these men were the cause of her phobia). . well if you mean others around the person, yes he/she is afraid of other’s feet
Does anyone else have a foot phobia or is it just me? Feet literally scare me. How can i get over this?
Q: i can touch my feet & little baby feet, but that’s it & nobody can touch mine & nobody’s feet can touch any part of my body
A: You need to go talk to a counselor or psychologist, perhaps one that specializes in phobias. Also some people believe that hypnosis can be an effective treatment against phobias. There’s a link below to a website that might help you.
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