What is the number cause for depression

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the number cause for depression”,you can compare them.

Financial burden is one of the top causes for depression. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-number-cause-for-depression ]
More Answers to “What is the number cause for depression
What is the number one cause of depression?
The main cause of depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, which causes the depressive symptoms. In many cases, it can be corrected through medication. The patient can learn to deal with their symptoms better through therapy and cou…
Could in-breeding depression in white tigers be one of the cause …?
A10. The possibility cannot be ruled out as inbreeding is thought to result is loss of fitness.

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A: Every living being has a unique purpose for which he/she/it was made. You will be able to understand it only if you live your life to the full..So, stop worrying and if at you haven’t started yet… start now.. Start living.Please Don’t exist.Not being able to get into a relationship with the one they desire…. thats the most common reasonhttp://www.futureaccountant.com/
What in your opinion is the biggest cause for the rising number of people being treat for depression?
Q: and personality disorders
A: Diagnoses or misdiagnoses. It is not because we suffer more from depression these days, its just these days more often people seek help for depression symptoms and more of them are correctly diagnosed and in some cases misdiagnosed as having depression.
what mental illnesses can cause emotional roller coaster?
Q: Could a mental illness be the cause of someones emotional roller coaster in a relationship? at times the person feels as if they could just walk away (this is mostly after they’ve been fighting but not always) and not care and at other times extremely attached and thought of not being with the person causes depression.what can cause a person to be numb and then intense? any ideas? the mood changes only seems to be in the relationship. doesnt seem to have numb/intense feelings towards anything else.
A: With bipolar disease one day you’re way depressed and the next day you may be overly happy. However, it’s not just a relationship that you’re way depressed or happy about, but it’s about everything, including how you feel about yourself, and everything in your life.In your situation, it sounds just like a normal relationship. Everyone gets hurt and may be disgusted and irritated with a person after a fight and wonder how they could ever like that person. It’s natural. Sometimes during fights things are said that people don’t really mean.
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