What is the most painful pain

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most painful pain”,you can compare them.

Trigeminal Neuralgia is one of the most painful conditions. TN is characterized by intermittent, shooting pain in the face. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-painful-pain ]
More Answers to “What is the most painful pain
What is the most painful pain?
NO. The most Pain anyone can exp. is when you blow a disc out in your spine also known as a disk herniation. All the muscles in the area go into a full contraction with no way to get it to stop. it feels life several daggers all being stuck…
Having pain on the left side sparatic but painful… what could t…?
This could be a lot of things to be honest. This could be ovulation pain or it could indicate that there are a lot of follicles on your left ovary. I would advise that you go and see your specialist with your concerns and they should give y…
Labor Pains – Does Childbirth Hurt? Pain Relief For Other Painful…?
Labor pains say baby’s on the way. The vast majority of pregnant women worry more about labour pains than the actual birth, or any other matter included in pregnancy. If it’s any consolation the pain is bearable, if it wasn’t women wouldn’t…

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What is the most painful pain?
Q: If there is a scale for measuring physical pain, what natural pain would be the worst? I’m not talking about torture methods, just natural pain. Maybe kidneystones?Physical pain, people, not emotional pain. I know pain is relative, but surely there is a way to measure the extent of strain the nervous system goes through during physical trauma. Is there?
A: NO. The most Pain anyone can exp. is when you blow a disc out in your spine also known as a disk herniation. All the muscles in the area go into a full contraction with no way to get it to stop. it feels life several daggers all being stuck in your backside all at the same time. If you dont pass outfrom pain,then you have the problem of trying to figure out how to get your diaphram muscles to un -contract so you can take your first breath when possible. Signed, Douglas.M in far N. Dallas
Would you give up all of your memories, to erase the pain of your most painful experience?
Q: or, if you could delete one painful memory, what would it be and why? Also, please don’t say answering the question what is the meaning of life, or efil fo gninaem eht si tahw.I’m a little confused happy, you believe in God, but not in an afterlife?
A: If I were to subject my brain to electric shock treatment and erase my memories so that I wouldn’t have as much emotional baggage I would do it in a heartbeat. For one thing some memories are just too painful and aren’t worth what I’ve lost for having them. Plus there’s not a chance in hell I’m getting into heaven with the guilt I carry. Now if I was completely unaware of the actions of my former self I think I might stand a better chance. (I don’t possess the strength of conviction to believe with all my heart in god, but I’m too afraid of the afterlife to not believe in god whatsoever.)
when you will feel the most painful pain in your soul?
Q: i mean what will cause it? to thank god for not having it
A: When one of your children dies before you do.
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