What is the most common death

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Conversational History .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most common death”,you can compare them.

Top 3 Causes of Death in the US: 1 Heart Diseases 2 Malignant Tumors 3 Cerebrovascular Diseases. Call 1-800-2ChaCha its unlimited! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-common-death ]
More Answers to “What is the most common death
What is the most common death?
heart disease No. 1 killer in the western world
What Causes a Common Cold?
While getting chilled or wet is not a cause of common colds, there are factors that make you more susceptible to catching a cold virus. For example, you are more likely to catch a common cold if you are excessively fatigued, have emotional …
Is breast cancer the most common cause of death for women??
No. Although many women get breast cancer, it is not a common cause of death. Heart disease is the number one cause of death among women age 40 and above, followed by stroke, lung cancer, and lung diseases. Breast cancer is the fifth leadin…

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What is the most common date of death?
Q: I read that the most common birthday is October 5, but what is the most common death date? I don’t mean to be morbid or anything… just curious if there is one day of the year that I should be extra careful!
A: I’ve read that most people pass within 3 months of their birthday.
How many people die each year? Also, what is the most common cause of death?
Q: Through research, I found that the rate of death is currently 8.2 deaths per 1,000 people and the current world population is estimated to be 6,790,062,216. What I’m looking for are a rough estimated number to define how many people die each year in addition to finding out the most common cause of death in the world.
A: 56,599,216 average deaths a year and most die from heart disease, about 15%
What is the most common death in the world?
Q: I’m super bored and i just wanted to know this.
A: Diseases of the heart Is the most common
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