What is the longest fart

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness History Humor .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the longest fart”,you can compare them.

The longest recorded fart in history is 2 minutes and 42 secs. I am not interested in meeting that person! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-longest-fart ]
More Answers to “What is the longest fart
What is the world record longest fart?
Dunno but Ive dun some pretty long ones myself-and stink ones too
How long was your longest fart ever?
23 seconds, four different pitches, and two different smells, beat that!
Who has the longest fart in the world?
Bernard Clemmens from London He sustained a fart of 2 mins and 42 secs. His long fart was officially recorded and in the Book of Records.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the longest fart you ever made?
Q: I mean continuous, without break.So those little repeated farts when you are walking don’t count.I think mine is about 10 seconds.And was yours also loud? And smelly?
A: My record is 18 seconds, and it was actually really loud!
How long was your longest fart ever?
Q: Because I just ripped a loud one that lasted 18 seconds, and I just had to ask the Yahoo community!
A: 23 seconds, four different pitches, and two different smells, beat that!
How long has your longest fart lasted?
Q: Mine was around 40 seconds (and im 15 😛 and it was really loud, and it vibrated a lot)
A: about 20 seconds but it had breaks
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