What is the Inflamation of bowel

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Inflammation of the bowel can cause diarrhea, ulcers, and bleeding. It can be caused by genetic or environmental factors. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-inflamation-of-bowel ]
More Answers to “What is the Inflamation of bowel
What is “inflamation” like inflamation of the bowel??
Inflammation is a highly complex process of the body, specifically the immune system. The long and short is that through a series of complex hormonal pathways, the specific site of the body that is sick or injured is made ready to fight inf…
Will Dipentum reduce inflammation inside the bowel?
Dipentum is the best medicine you can get for your problems. It was made to reduce or to treat inflammatory process in bowel. But if your main problem was diarrhea you should take medicine at the end of the meal in order to stop further pro…
How Common are these Causes of Bowel inflammation?
This information refers to the general prevalence and incidence of these diseases, not to how likely they are to be the actual cause of Bowel inflammation. Of the 2 causes of Bowel inflammation that we have listed, we have the following pre…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Bowel inflamation and oral drug admininstration?
Q: I just read somewhere, said oral drug administration should be avoided if patient has bowel inflamation. Could someone help me, I really don’t know why?
A: Inflammation of bowel prevents absorption of anything including drugs.
Rectal Inflamation during bowel movements causes a lot of discomfort?
Q: Only yesterday I developed inflamation in the rectum, and can’t sit on a chair without having to tilt to one side to easy body weight off my rectum for comfort. During bowel movements, I noticed mild bleeding too and the process of bowel movements causes a lot of discomfort as there is burning. Will drinking milk do some good here, or what is it thats happened to me ? Any help, please ?
A: For information on the treatment of rectal inflammation, visit http://www.imedisearch.com/results.php?cof=FORID%3A11&hq=-buy+-achat+-intitle%3Acheap+-intitle%3Acheapest+-intitle%3A%27ON-LINE%27+-sales+-wholesale+-inurl%3Aorder+-intitle%3Adiscount+-inurl%3Adiscount+-intitle%3Aofficial+-intitle%3Aoffer+-intitle%3Apills+-inurl%3Acost+-inurl%3Abuy+-inurl%3Astore+-inurl%3Apurchase+-inurl%3Aprice+-intitle%3Abuying&q=Rectal+Inflamation&sa=Search&cref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.imedisearch.com%2Fxml%2Fcontextpublic.xml#1281
Help Chrons disease with large bowel inflamation?
Q: I have sml bowel chrons disease and a few days ago had problems going to the bathroom. I went to the er and had inflammation of the large colon. how is this possible i never had this before.
A: hi andrea, I am a female crohn’s pt. since age 12. Crohn’s disease can affect anywhere from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, rectum, and anus. Mine started in the large bowel, then it was removed entirely and now I have it in the small bowel.If you check out the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation’s site, it has the updated and most accurate information you are looking for: it explain what IBD is and isn’t, the difference between Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis, women’s issues, surgery, the latest treatments, as well as a live chat & hotline run by healthcare experts. There is also an open forum where you can post your questions to others who have crohn’s.You will get more responses from that site than here as there are many and I do mean many, more folks who have Crohn’s and can relate to your questions. I hope you feel better soon.
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