What is the fluid inside a blister

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the fluid inside a blister”,you can compare them.

Most blisters are filled with a clear fluid called serum or plasma (aka, “blister water”). However, blisters can be filled with blood (known as blood blisters) or with pus (if they become infected). ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fluid-inside-a-blister ]
More Answers to “What is the fluid inside a blister
What color fluid is inside a genital herpes blister..what color i…?
yellowy green fluid if severe infected .. sometimes clear like a normal blister… scab is yellowy crust
What causes a blister, whats the fluid inside and why does it hur…?
The most frequent cause of a blister is from friction (rubbing on shoes, clothing, etc.) and the fluid inside is plasma if it’s clear, or blood if it’s red or black. They hurt when they open because the skin beneath them usually has not hea…

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When you get burned what causes the fluid inside the blister?
Q: Urrr…Dont you hate it?Get bured and you get a blister…Well today after grabbing a extreamly hot pan at work im left with two long blisters extending from my finger tip to my actual hand (one on my middle finger and one on my ring finger)…So what is the fluid inside my blisters?How does it come to be there?Could I have done anything to stop them from forming?And what can I do to make it feel betterThanks!Not going to pop it :)I am mostly wondering what the fluid is…I know its not infected..
A: It’s mostly lymph fluids released after the damage done by the heat, released as a defense mechanism to protect the tissue from infection.Soak the blisters warm water and bandage them.
what causes a blister, whats the fluid inside and why does it hurt if it opens?
A: The most frequent cause of a blister is from friction (rubbing on shoes, clothing, etc.) and the fluid inside is plasma if it’s clear, or blood if it’s red or black. They hurt when they open because the skin beneath them usually has not healed yet, so it’s sore and raw.
what color fluid is inside a genital herpes blister..what color is the scab too?
Q: im not talking about vaginal discharge or anything just the fluid inside the blister
A: yellowy green fluid if severe infected .. sometimes clear like a normal blister… scab is yellowy crust
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