What is the disease known as consumption

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Tuberculosis used to be knows at consumption. It was called that because it seemed to consume people with a bloody cough. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-disease-known-as-consumption ]
More Answers to “What is the disease known as consumption
What disease was also known as “Consumption”??
Tuberculosis. There were a number of TB sanitariums up there in your neck of the woods, Zack. One of them is now North Oaks Retirement Community. It used to be Mount Wilson Hospital. http://www.northoakslcs.com/

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What was (is) the disease known in the past as ‘consumption”?
Q: I have read it in several books about the past and also in old newspaper clippings. I imagine it to be something similar to tuberculosis, but really I have no idea.
A: It is tuberculosis. People used to call it comsumption, b/c after suffering with it for a few years, people would waste away and become very weak and thin, as though they were being ‘consumed’ by the disease. In addition to affecting the lungs (the most obvious symptom) it also impacts the digestive system so people with it can become emaciated.
what is consumption known as today?
Q: I know that in the 1800 ‘s, it was a really bad disease. Has it been eradicated?
A: TB: tuberculosisTB is present worldwide.In 2006, a total of 13,767 tuberculosis (TB) cases (4.6 per 100,000 population) were reported in the United States.
Is there any bad effect in consumption of gluten for people who don’t have celiac disease?
Q: Don’t say anything about the celiac disease because I know what it is about.
A: A post-nasal drip – easily fixed with an appropriate antihistamine. Mucous production. Hyperactivity. Itchy ears.Not really bad effects. The rest is all good. I love to eat one or two slices of whole wheat bread every day for the satisfying effect it gives due to its low GI. Boosts the brain. Vitamin B’s. Fiber.
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