What is the deadliest disease in the world

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the deadliest disease in the world”,you can compare them.

Ischaemic heart disease caused 7.2 million deaths in a year, which was 12.6% of all deaths. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-deadliest-disease-in-the-world ]
More Answers to “What is the deadliest disease in the world
What is the deadliest disease in the world?
It’s hard to answer specifically because there are so many rare diseases that are almost 100% fatal. Like Rabies once you have symptoms, or simian herpes virus B. Black plague was one of the most feared diseases in history, but it can be tr…
How to Market a Deadly Disease – 10 Shocking AIDS Ads from Around…?
This week, I’ve been taking a look at the nonprofits and “for a good cause” marketing techniques. Earlier this week, we looked at the Anti-Smoking Campaigns. and Saving Our Environment Campaigns . Today, we turn to the the adverti…
What is the most deadly disease?
The most deadly disease in the world is called tubercolosis. almost Two billion people are infected with it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What Do you think is the deadliest disease in the world?
Q: I really want to know the deadliest disease. You can write 2 Maximum and also tell me why
A: Genetically altered Spanish Influenza – This is a real mean one. It is being courted by the bio-weapons crowd. Spanish Flu is the one that killed thousands in 1918. It is persistant, aerosolized (spread by coughing or saliva), deadly, and often not noticed till severe symptoms onset themselves. Now, it is being modified to be resistant to medication.Various Staphyloccyl Superbug Infections – These are the babies on TV now, killing people and nothing can help. They are endemic in hospitals, nursing homes, jails, and now in schools. They kill and there is nothing to be done, other than massive doses of antibiotics that are often uneffective.Good luck (*cough*)Jay
What’s the deadliest disease in the world in modern time?
Q: And have researchers found a cure yet (Even partially)?
A: Social Hypnosis is the deadliest Dis-Ease…If you want to get healthy, first stop listening to the machine that feeds you mis-information. You know, the one that will brazenly lay in the suggestion that the “Flu Season” is coming….(these viruses are ALWAYS in the environment…people that have a healthy immune system do not get the flu or colds) or “they” will tell you “The Latest” research (funded by pharmaceutical companies) and done by undergraduate students that are given strict parameters with which to view their findings to support their next “Wonder Drug” (ever wonder why two weeks later another “study” will say something else?)… Drugs cover up symptoms – they do not cure anything…They allow you to continue the behaviour that created the problem in the first place….second – go to a Naturopath who will educate you in how to eat properly, show you how to de-toxify your body and your environment and encourage you to exercise regularly and get proper rest…. thirdly, create JOY in your life – Any physician from every discipline will tell you that STRESS is the precursor to illness… People that are feeling angry, worried, guilty or sad most of the time are the ones that get sick most often.. You can only feel one emotion at a time – choose to create circumstances that make you feel good…Check the sources I have listed below… Stop being a victim of the system and take control of your own life
what is the deadliest disease in the world right now?
A: Those are some really good answers, but cardiovascular disease kills more people every year than all of those. Not smoking, eating a low fat and low cholesterol diet and getting exercise are the best way to beat this disease. It is hard for many people to do these simple things, but unlike many other diseases there is somthing that can be done about cardiovascular disease.
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