What is the cause of the eye jumping

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Dry eyes, Tourette’s Syndrome, neurological problems, and fatigue are all causes of eye twitching. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-the-eye-jumping ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of the eye jumping
What causes your eye to jump?
theres alot of reasons..its usually from lack of sleep..sometimes medications or nerve damage..probably just the sleep thing though..happens to me all the time
What causes the jumping motion in your eyes?
what jumping motion? nystagmus is generally a congenital condition, or acquired with a neurological etiology. NORMAL eyes dont “jump”. if you have “jumping” eyes, and its a new symptom, it probably needs to be investiga…
What would cause an astigmatism to jump 4 points in one year in o…?
Jared just full of bad info today. his last answer re: bates method was wrong as well. no blood sugar change could change your CORNEA. blood sugar could change the shape of your LENS… and it is debated why some people gain astigmatism and…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes your eye to jump?
Q: This thing has been getting on my freakin’ nerves all morning! I feel like I have an uncontrollable eye twitch. It won’t stop jumping!
A: theres alot of reasons..its usually from lack of sleep..sometimes medications or nerve damage..probably just the sleep thing though..happens to me all the time
What can cause your eyes to twitch?
Q: my eye keeps jumping, what usually causes this?
A: Aside from what the other answerers have said, it can also be caused bytoo much caffeine or looking at a computer and/or TV screen for too long.It can also be caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency. For instance, a lack of vitamin B12 can cause an eye twitch. I’m not sure what other lack of vitamins and minerals can cause eye twitches.
my left eye have been twitching or jumping for a week could you tell me the cause of it?
A: You could also be watching too much TV or playing too many video games. And also make sure you eat healthy and get PLENTY of rest. You eye sounds like it is fine just a minor problem.
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